Help!! Bumps on my back!


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Jan 24, 2014

Erica H.

Help! I used to have moderate acne on my shoulders and neck but it's been clear for a while. Today, I noticed small red bumps all over my shoulder blade and lower back area. Is this acne, or just irritated skin? The bumps are VERY small but there are a lot of them. They just showed up today.

Jan 24, 2014

Shannon B.

It could be either one.
If you change shampoo, conditioner or soap it could cause the acne to come back
Or it could be irritated by a new shampoo, conditioner, or soap, or you could be allergic to something that is causing it.

Jan 24, 2014

Cami M.

It could be acne yeah, or irritated skin, but I actually thinks its something called (translated directly from Danish to english) Heat dods, I may be wrong sins I haven't seen it, but when I get them they are normally around the same places, you just have to put on a good moistiraiter(?) And cool it off a bit making sure there isn't anything that scrates it and it should be gone in the morning :)
Hope it can help :)

Jan 24, 2014

fall V.

If you shaved your back then that could be in grown hair

Jan 24, 2014

Erica H.

Thanks everyone! And no, I didn't shave my back haha!

Jan 24, 2014

Reese S.

I think it's keratosis pilaris.

Jan 25, 2014

Maria D.

I have those and a lot of people I know have those I'm not sure you can do anything about them you can try and go to the derma