Pregnancy Skin- Uurrgggh


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Jan 24, 2014

Laura O.

So as some of you girls know (cos I've ranted before!) I suffer with eczema. but this pregnancy is breaking me out terribly, especially on my legs. everything I use is irritating me but I need to use something to moisturize. anybody suffered like this or any suggestions?

Jan 24, 2014

Mistreece L.

Dermasil or Cetaphil are excellent products for eczema prone skin that I have personally used as I have eczema as well.
Be sure to use fragrance free and dye free products to include your soap/bodywash and detergents so you can have a smoother pregnancy.
And Congrats by the way:-)

Jan 24, 2014

Laura O.

Are they moisturizers? I'll have to check them out. I'm at my wits end! and thank you very much get my scan next wk :)

Jan 24, 2014

Mistreece L.

Oops forgot to mention that they are moisturizing lotion/cream. Sorry:-)

Jan 24, 2014

Mistreece L.

And if youre you speaking of your sonogram... o my gosh so exciting!! :-) I have 2 kids and I was overly excited both times lol!

Jan 24, 2014

Laura O.

Great hunny will check those out, n yea a sonogram can't wait :)

Jan 24, 2014

Gina P.

I have horrible eczema for years. Especially on my hands. Other than an rx, only thing that works is cortizone 10 for eczema.

Jan 25, 2014

Angel C.

Ask your doctor! Liability reasoning behind that. Always always always ask your Dr. first if you are pregnant. Companies aren't even allowed to give you advice without a note/prescription from your primary care physician.

Jan 25, 2014

Aspen O.

My little brother has really bad eczema and we put this lotion on him everyday and it seems to really help. It's called aveeno

Jan 25, 2014

Aspen O.

I even use it some times. I don't have eczema but its really good moisturizer.

Jan 25, 2014

Laura O.

Will have to check these out ladies thank you!

Jan 26, 2014

Maricela P.

Try using this lotion, its hel.

Jan 26, 2014

Maricela P.

I was frustrated with my skin because of the same reason, so I tried this Aveno lotion and it helped me, I saw results right away. give it a try and good luck:-)

Jan 26, 2014

Aspen O.

This morning put aveeno on my bro within 2 hours it there were results and his skin was smooth.

Jan 26, 2014

Aleksandra Z.

Good old fashioned olive oil after a warm bath soaked in 1 cup of milk and a knee high stocking filled with oates. the oates are full of colloidal beta gluten. which helps the soothe and reduce the itch. hope that helps.

Jan 27, 2014

Laura O.

Thanks girls, I can't believe I got so many results, my post is usually the one that gets lost! aleksandra what is the method for this?