Rainbow hair?! (Symone B.)


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Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

Hello love,
I was just wondering what you guys think about unnatural colored hair. Is it "appropriate" for everyday? Is there prejudice against it?
I'm planning to dye my hair soon. Haven't decided on a color (I'm doing to have a poll post a bit later.) But in my search, I found Azealia Banks. I never heard her music before I love her hair. We're the same complexion with the same hair length and I'm really considering purple hair ombré as an option. Really crazy, right? I switch my extensions a lot and just have it as one of my looks. I don't know, it's just an idea.

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.


Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

My hair can look exactly like this ^same hair

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.


Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.


Jan 25, 2014

Sapphire K.

Some jobs that deal with people other than beauty of fashion industry will more than likely be wary of a full head of purple hair.

Jan 25, 2014

Kiyomi K.

Symone you are so gorgeous that you can rock any hair color you'd like!
I love unnatural hair color! I think that purple would look gorgeous on you!!

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

That's what I was thinking Sapphire. It would be only temporary(until June-before my college and HS graduation) I'm probably too chicken to do it anyway lol and thanks Kiyomi.

Jan 25, 2014

Lalala A.

Hmm that would look really amazing! I don't really have too much experience with prejudice against this, Hannah (with the cool colored hair) would probably be a much better person to ask! I personally think this wouldn't be accepted in most professional settings, but it depends on what you do/plan to do. I hope I was of some help! 😊 good luck!

Jan 25, 2014

Ember F.

Honestly I've had my hair pretty much all the colors you can that come from a bottle besides black. I currently have white hair and recently had varying shades of blue,green, and purple. Yes their is prejudice people in school think I am stupid or I do drugs. None of which are true also in my junior high I was given three choices when I dyed my hair a dark barely noticeable purple, ISS until I redyed my hair, dye my hair, or leave. I left because that was the best option for me and it was a loss on them and not on me. I would never give up my unnatural hair colors because it's become part of my personality now and it would be like losing part of me. I really suggest people to do a whole head of a bright pink or teal color at least once in their life because it is really fun and can boost self confidence.

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

@Lareeb, thanks. And I definitely can't wait until my bff Hannah sees it lol

@Megan, that's crazy! I never really looked at unnatural colored hair gals like that. I'm always like "you're so amazing" 😧😧

@Ember, I love you! You're awesome. I kinda think everybody should loosen up some too and try something different sometimes

Jan 25, 2014

Shaundi P.

Thats really cute I love that color I also loved the blue color she used to have. that could be an option here are some other ones that might work too

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

OMG katie! Your hair is amazzzinnngggg! It's my dream hair. I also want this navy color too

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

@shaundi, those are soooo cute. Especially that teal.

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

@lizz, amen

Jan 25, 2014

Hannah K.

GIRL YOU KNOW MY FEELINGS. Lol. I'd love to see you with navy blue hair, I think it would be amazing. When we're young is the time we really get to experiment without all the judgment, you know?

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

Lol @Hannah exactly! I want to get all my crazy out now so when I go off into boring professional land I will be okay. I really want that navy hair though! Or *looks around* shhhh don't tell anybody...burgundy. ☺️

Jan 25, 2014

Veronica E.

Actually Symone, I think a burgundy color in your hair would look GORGEOUS ❤❤

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

That's my #1 choice 💕

Jan 25, 2014

Gabby S.

I think it would look amazing on you!! like a dark purple, dark blue or burgundy are my suggestions(: but anything would look pretty!

Jan 25, 2014

Katelyn P.

I like that navy color and feel like in not direct sun light it'd be the easiest to pull off as black or dark brown and shouldnt be a problem with most employers...if thats a concern. but to go all out I love the first purple pic you posted.

Jan 25, 2014

Mille S.

Unatural hair is beautiful I have hair like that angive had I'd sinc I was 14-15 years not tired of it yet

Jan 25, 2014

Symone B.

I love your hair Millie ❤️

Jan 25, 2014

Emily M.

I think you would look amazing weather or not you dye it! purple would really suit you! hmm maybe do like a temporary wash out dye and if you like it enough, permanent?!

Jan 25, 2014

Ember F.

Haha thanks! Also you could use a dye that fades fast like manic panic just to try it out and if you like it enough you can get a longer lasting dye like color ion (blues) or special effects.