Makeup For Friday!


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Feb 11, 2014

Lizzy W.

I know the "What Should I Wear For Valentines Day?" question is over-asked at the moment, but my situation is slightly different. I have to teach dance classes to annoying kids all day! I want to do a special makeup look to acknowledge the day (it has a very special meaning in my family), but I don't want to look too overdone. It's a very casual environment and I'm going to be sweating all day anyway. And not to be picky, but please do not suggest winged eyeliner and a red lip ;)

Feb 11, 2014

Lizzy W.

Thanks Victoria! I really love that idea (and I'm not just saying it, I mean it!).

Feb 11, 2014

Kiyomi K.

I agree with Victoria! Good luck teaching those kids! I sometimes teach kids and some are so annoying and just don't want to listen! It's terrible lol! They are like why do I have to listen to you you aren't an adult.! It makes me mad sometimes lol, but I just act nice and try to do my best.

Feb 11, 2014

Kiyomi K.

You know show Jesus to them ;)

Feb 11, 2014

Eloise W.

Maybe something like this. I did my best :-)

Feb 11, 2014

Lizzy W.

Eloise, thanks :) I really like that! The lip colour is beautiful.

Thanks Kiyomi! Will do ;) Haha and you're so right. This will be my third Friday teaching and my patience is definitely being tested lol! You can yell till you're blue in the face and they just don't care. I'm nervous because the other two Fridays I was helping my teacher out, but this time I'll be on my own...yikes! But a recurring theme in my life lately has been FAITH. Learning to trust God 110%, because despite what the world says, worrying is not 'natural' or 'okay', and it's not how the Lord wants us to live :) So I'm trying to follow one of my favorite verses: "Don't worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything." I don't know about you, but I'd say those are pretty clear instructions ;)

Feb 11, 2014

Kiyomi K.

Yes I had to teach by myself a couple times because the teacher couldn't be there and I actually had more dance experience then the teacher (not bragging at all), but the kids just did not want to listen to me at all because I wasn't an adult!! This year I have actually been teaching a dance class on my own and I feel that the kids respect me more, because I try to show Jesus but sometimes you just have to be strict with them if they don't want to listen.

Yes you just have to trust The Lord 110% no matter what happens. He has a purpose for everything in life even if it makes no sense you just have to be patient and have faith then soon enough he will show you the most miraculous thing.!

I love that verse! Thanks for sharing! And yes they are the clearest instructions!

Feb 11, 2014

Lizzy W.

I should so be asleep right now! It's currently 00:31 and I had an exhausting day. I was tired at 17:00, but we had company, and now that I'm over the worst of the weariness, I'm way too awake x) Except I'm rambling, which is a dead giveaway that I need sleep (and will probably be embarrassed for myself in the morning for sharing so much unneccesary details).

You're right! It sucks when the kids don't respect you. But it's great that you're getting the experience; I think you learn a lot of valuable life lessons by teaching. That's probably what I struggle with the most; beinf strict. I know it's needed at times, but I'm way too compassionate for my own good and feel guilty about it (plus I keep putting myself in their shoes and feel even worse). But my dance teacher told me to go in on Friday and be 'mean-ass' (yes, those were her exact words! lol), so that's what I'm determined to do.

I made a screenshot of that second last paragraph you wrote, no joke. I've seen God do great work with situations I thought were impossible to overcome, but sometimes my vision gets so clouded by a bunch of junk the devil tries to distract me with. When I feel myself starting to slip into that pattern of negativity and little faith in the face of trouble, I can look back at your encouraging words, so thanks!

Feb 11, 2014

Kiyomi K.

Lol I'm not sure if you're still awake cause it's almost 13:00 where you are.
I know exactly how you feel! I'm the same exact way lol! I'm just way to nice lol. Being strict and mean is one of the hardest things for me to do, because like you said I feel guilty and feel even more guilty when I put myself in there shoes! Lol your teacher is right though!
And that makes me feel happy that I could give you encouraging words :)

I learned to be more strict from my teacher who is the most strict teacher in the world lol! He is very funny though!