Foundation & skin matching


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Feb 11, 2014

Shauna S.

You are not supposed to match your foundation colour to the back of your hand. The skin on your hand is usually always different from the skin on your face because you use your hands to do everything and you're always washing them, etc. You're supposed to rub the foundation on your cheek close to your jawline to get the perfect colour.

Feb 11, 2014

Maxime M.

^ Shauna is right. and when applied, always check the colour in daylight
you can also ask for a sample and try it at home

Feb 11, 2014

Shauna S.

I hope I've helped (:

If they don't have a mirror, bring your own small compact mirror in your purse. If you don't have time to take a sample then I really don't know lol, either make the time or just buy a few colours and return the ones that don't match.

Feb 11, 2014

Kamara T.

Agree with Shauna...Apply a small amount to your jawline, using natural sunlight is best when color matching. In that case I suggest, after placing them on your jawline, to wait a sec then step outside for natural lighting. Use your camera or bring a friend to see how they look on you

Feb 11, 2014

Kamara T.

Ohh shauna makes a good point. A compact mirror would be perfect

Feb 11, 2014

Lynzie B.

You could bring makeup wipes with you when you go to try the makeup out, just put them in your car or purse. Swipe the makeup along your jawline and neck when your in the store then walk out and check it in the car mirror or compact, then use the wipes to clean up.