Foundation not looking as it should.


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Feb 10, 2014

Kim C.

Hi all,
After a bit of advice. I use cliniques even better foundation which I have had no problems with until today. I don't really wear it every day due to laziness and my skin is normally pretty clear so save it for when I feel my skin is being a pain the backside. Anywho today I put it on as per normal with my brush and it all looked great until about 1 hour later when I noticed it was clinging to dry patches I never knew I had and it's looking a little cakey. I love this foundation and I'm slightly gutted. So I'm wondering if anyone has had the same issue?
Also I've had a sinus infection for over a week and so decided to use an illuminising primer underneath so I didn't look like I felt. I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it or if being ill my skin is just all over the shop. Xx

Feb 10, 2014

Marleen B.

Your foundation may not be working well to to seasonal skin dehydration. A lot of girls have to switch foundations when the seasons change. Especially this winter, where its been extra cold. Also being sick can dry out your skin due to meds or constant nose blowing esp. around the nose area. My nose always gets chapped when I'm sick during the winter. Extra moisterizing, using tissues with lotion in it will help. You want to consider changing to a tinted moisterizer or to a more moisterizing foundation although foundation has a hard time sticking to your face when you're constantly touching your face.

Feb 10, 2014

Marleen B.


Feb 10, 2014

Shauna S.

I agree, weather change can cause your skin to become dry. try using a moisturizer and primer underneath your foundation.

Feb 10, 2014

Kim C.

I change my moisturiser during the winder months as standard anyways. Maybe it is just that I'm ill and my skin is suffering. The patches of dry skin are around my chin (weird for me I'm normally super oily there). I moisturised and used a primer this morning and I still got the caked look with dry patches. I haven't been blowing my nose, with the sinusitis the pressure makes it feel like my eyeballs are about to pop out. Thanks for the advice ladies I'll have a play around with it again tomorrow and try and see if hanging some things makes a difference.

Feb 10, 2014

Adele S.

I agree with everyone so far. Also perhaps the formulation needs to be shaken up really well... Especially if you've had it for awhile.

Feb 10, 2014

Jai S.

Try a beauty blender or a wet sponge to apply it... Make sure you use a good moisturizer as well. Oh and what type of lighting are you applying your make up in?

Feb 11, 2014

Tina K.

I agree with the previous comments. Perhaps the illuminating primer and foundation don't work well together. Sometimes I've used some that would make my foundation "pill". Maybe try a setting spray instead of powder too? Hope you feel better soon.

Feb 11, 2014

Alexis C.

Have you deep cleaned your brush recently? If you haven't, that could be why you're getting a cakey application. And is your primer meant for your particular skin tone? If you have dry skin, try Smachbox's photo finish primer or Hourglass No. 28 Serum primer. For oily skin try Hourglass Veil primer or MAC's Natural radiance. And even though you swap your moisturizer annually, you might need to try something else as well. Hope that helps.

Feb 11, 2014

Kim C.

Yeah I'd washed the brush the night before so it was completely free of anything. I have combination skin. I tried it again later in the day with no primer just moisturising and used a setting spray not the powder in used to using. Same effect, think maybe I just need to buy a new foundation. Also I put it on in natural lighting (next to a window). I think I may need to change my foundation, after thinking about it all I'm pretty sure I've had it a while, combined with feeling like crap. I'm normally pretty good with knowing about this sort of thing just lately feeling like my brain has been fogged over. Thanks again ladies, going to look into some new primers and just generally getting my face back on track xx