Beauty Pageants! Opinions Please.


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Feb 5, 2014

Mahaliah B.

I'm not against it aslong as the person wants to do pageants and like it now if they don't want to do it and are forced to do it because of there father or mother tht I am against :)

Honestly if you enjoy them and you're fully aware and ready for any blow to your self esteem then they are fine

Feb 5, 2014

Kat A.

I think they're fine. I just wish they'd change what they look for. like not have to be tanned, with overdone make up. I think it's nice to be all done up, but everyone shouldn't be trying to look the exact same. & bigger girls should be able to do it too. but all I've ever seen is skinny tall girls. they're not the only body type that's beautiful. I just feel it should be more open to everyone & let the girls be more of themselves than trying to be clones.

Feb 5, 2014

Stephanie S.

Yup if you like doing them then that's fine as long as your not in them and beating yourself up over not being the best.

Feb 5, 2014

Breanna C.

I hate when people put their 5 year olds in pageants and stuff like that/: If you've seen Toddlers and Tiaras you understand what I'm talking about. But I'm all for people doing pageants once they're old enough to make the decision on their own (:

Feb 5, 2014

Lauren M.

Man, this is something I'm kind of torn about. On one hand, I think there should be an age limit of beauty pageants. Let's face it, most six year olds are only doing pageants because their parents forced them into it. I've seen Toddlers & Tiaras before, and a lot of those kids don't seem to enjoy it very much. Not to mention it's pretty disgusting how they sexualize kids as young as four. That being said, if it's something someone genuinely WANTS to do I think they should go for it. I wish they'd change the standards, especially for the younger kids. If they allowed the kids to choose what they did and didn't want to do (flippers, spray tan, nails, etc.) I would be 100% behind it.

Feb 5, 2014

Kat A.

Things have changed from when I did pageants! lol. I did it probably around ages 1-6. I liked it, but I sure as hell didn't have a crap ton of make up on! I don't think I really wore make up. that toddlers in tiaras is scary haha.

Feb 5, 2014

Breanna C.

Of course! Thank you(: & I've seen moms get their daughters eyebrows waxed, & the little girls are screaming at the top of their lungs ): It makes me really sad that "Moms" would do that to their children for money or awards ): I also seen this one mom putting fake eyelashes on her daughter and the little girl is screaming because she got eyelash glue in her eye /: Then, they cake makeup all over 5 year olds faces when a 5 year old has no business looking almost 30 with 3 pounds of makeup on her face ): It's really saddening that a MOTHER can do that to their child. ): ):

Feb 5, 2014

Symone B.

I'm for them. As a pageant girl myself, it's such a great experience. It really does build character. There's lots of discipline involved- practicing constantly, getting in shape, taking care of your skin. Particularly with interview practice, you really have to dig deep in yourself to be able to find out your stance and be able to voice it eloquently. I also loved the showmanship of it all, the clothes, makeup, hair, stage routines, etc. It also really develops people skills. Pageant weekend you're thrusted in a place where you know no one and leave with a ton of best friends! You have to step out there and interact with others. Confidence is also being built. I remember my last pageant over the summer, I felt so inferior to the other girls and I ended up in the top spots 😍 it's a real confidence boost when it's all said and done, and you realize how hard you've worked

Feb 5, 2014

Symone B.

^ btw I started at 16 years old

Feb 5, 2014

Breanna C.

You're Stunning Symone!

Feb 5, 2014

Lauren M.

I completely agree with you, Breanna! I'm a strong advocate for younger girls wearing makeup if they want (usually 11 year olds and such), but some of these pageants parents take it waaaay too far. It's so gross how they expect a six year old to be sexy. Unfortunately, the parents tend to care more about the money and the titles than they do their child.

Feb 5, 2014

Symone B.

Thanks Breanna ❤️

Feb 6, 2014

Breanna C.

Thank You Lauren (: & You're Welcome Symone?

Feb 6, 2014

Breanna C.


Feb 6, 2014

Bella L.

I am completely okay with beauty pageants I feel like for some people its way to express themselves everyone loves to be good at something and being beautiful is wonderful and some people enjoy doing their makeup for hours and fix their hair and get tanned and make routines its really a choice and I don't have anything wrong with people who chose that lifestyle I used to do pageants and it is a lot of hardwork but its also so much fun when your finish all your hard work and you walk on that stage and preform you feel a sense of accomplishment so I feel its fine if people do pageants at any age but you have to enjoy it because its so much work if its not fun its torture and I started pageants when I was 7 - 13 now I'm 15

Feb 6, 2014

Mary P.

I agree with Breanna all the way!

Feb 6, 2014

Halie C.

I agree with mahaliah :)

I personally participate in beauty pageants and I think they're great. Not only do they give you confidence and great social skills to use later in life in job interviews and public speaking, etc. But you meet a lot of amazing people who can help you network in different careers. A common misconception is that pageants are based solely on how thin someone is, etc. When in reality a lot of dedication is put into pageants you have to keep up with current events, maintain a HEALTHY lifestyle, and be able to market yourself. There is a lot of hard work and effort put into pageants that is overlooked by the misconceptions and negative influence put on by media in relation to pageantry.