New To Beautylish!


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Hey everyone! I'm Jacqueline and I'm a 22 year old Gemini from New York who absolutely adooores (in my It Takes Two voice!) all things in the beauty industry! I've recently started up a blog (I may or may not be addicted to updating it...) on Blogger, so I'm just getting used to the whole thing! I would love tips, feedback, suggestions, ideas for posts, etc. and really just some friends in this amazing beauty community on the www! Love you all already! xo
Jacqueline :)

Feb 7, 2014

Payton K.

Welcome to Beautylish Jacqueline! Your blog is amazing! It looks so professional and put together! Very nice(: Do you do any nail art? I'd love to see some notd's maybe? Anyway, keep me posted(: My beauty blog is

Feb 8, 2014

Halie C.

hey girl. lol