How to feel more confindent in shorts.


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Feb 6, 2014

Ashley D.

I hate my legs. I have really REALLY big calves and thighs and they are super pale and any discoloration or bruise is super noticeable. It is really cold now but the stores are getting rid of their winter stuff and putting out spring and summer things. I really want to wear shorts this summer rather than wearing jeans when its 90 degrees out. How do I make am legs look better in shorts?

Feb 6, 2014

Alyssa S.

Try tanning that's when I feel the most confident

Feb 6, 2014

Leamsy R.

Maybe try out sally Hansen airbrush legs :)

Feb 6, 2014

Lindsay H.

I have this exact same problem

Feb 6, 2014

Lindsay H.

And I can't tan I just burn
It's really sad

Feb 6, 2014

Tabitha F.

You can go to gym workout with wights if you want muscular legs or just run
Tanners help as we'll I use it sometimes... Give it a try
But most importantly you are beautiful and honestly you don't need gym or tan to boost up your confident big thighs look great in shorts in my opinion
Wear shorts and rock em

Feb 6, 2014

Lauren L.

I would really work out. That's how I got confident about my legs really. I like that they are toned and I think that knowing you are fit an in shape is a big part of being confident. I also got a tan but since you said it's cold I don't know...

Feb 6, 2014

Yvonne A.

I followed by this quote "Someone will always look better than you, but you will Always look better than someone else!"
& I promise you it will help boost your confidence!
It really helped me come out of my shell 😊

Feb 6, 2014

Ashley D.

I actually like my fair skin but its hard to work with sometimes, and I do work out but its hard to loose weight, I just gain muscle really easy. I have pretty toned legs from walking everyday but they are big and muscular I just feel like a buy when I wear shorts, and I never wear dresses.

Feb 6, 2014

Lauren L.

How about eating healthier not saying you don't just that might help if you want to lose weight. I would say running also helps promote slimmer muscle.

Feb 6, 2014

Ashley D.

Any tips on how to eat better? I am clueless about all that. I try my best but I always fail. I also eat mostly gluten free (my mom has too so its not really a choice) and I want to start running when it gets warmer I also want to get back to playing tennis. Great leg workout.

Feb 6, 2014

Lauren L.

Hmm eat whole grains and protein. They say fiber fills you up so you don't feel hungry. Lots of veggies. Eat less sugary and fatty stuff. I know they're all delicious sadly maybe frozen yogurt instead of ice cream and pita chips instead of potato? That sort of thing. I would have lots of healthy snacks on hand because when I get home from school it's straight to the kitchen, what to eat what to eat, you know.

Feb 6, 2014

Lauren L.

Yogurt, fruit, bars, salad, I heard that a little dark chocolate every day speeds up your metabolism too if you like it:)

Feb 6, 2014

Naomi L.

You can buy the leg shimmer stuff they sell at victoria secret to kinda even out the tone.

Feb 6, 2014

Ashley D.

I guess I have been eating healthy this whole time. My body just doesn't understand losing weight! Thank you everyone for your help, I will check some of these things out =)

Feb 6, 2014

Rosie F.

I have muscular legs too big thighs and calves. I'm quite self conscious about them but I just think about the good parts of my body that I like and every time I go out I think confidence is key. Just saying to yourself that if people don't like your legs that's their problem and they can't do anything to you hope that helps? :) x

Feb 6, 2014

Lauren L.

Okay good luck rock those shorts!!

Feb 6, 2014

Shaye M.

Find some shorts you really like and wear them! Try different Styles and shapes until you find the ones you like! My legs are pale and I bruise super easy so I have this problem too, I find fake tan helps a lot with confidence with shorts and singlets, etc.

Feb 6, 2014

Lauren M.

I don't necessarily think losing weight will be the best option - if you have muscular legs, you have muscular legs. I have a friend who is really tiny (stature and weight) but has always had these incredible, strong legs. If anything, you need to learn to be at peace with your body and love it for what it is. You could try doing 15-30 minutes of yoga everyday to help keep in shape - both mentally and physically. Body acceptance won't happen over night, but if you keep working at it and focus on the things you love about your legs (great calves, the way they make your booty look A+, the fact you could kick someone's face in and they'd be in some serious pain because of their strength , etc.) you should feel much more confident in yourself by the time spring/summer comes around. :)