Can I get curls like this?


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Feb 5, 2014

Stephanie S.

You can try, use the smallest wand and curl from root. go different ways for volume (:

Feb 5, 2014

Caitriona H.

I actually watched a video this morning on that hair. Hold on.

Feb 5, 2014

Caitriona H.


Feb 5, 2014

Symone B.

You can also try perm rods or a 1/2 inch wand or curling iron.

Feb 5, 2014

Kamara T.

Bantu knots or flexi rods. Once you take them down you can use a curling wand to perfect any curl

Feb 5, 2014

Megan S.

Yes it's possible! at school we wrapped my hair in straw and little perm rods! but you can also use little flex-rods! please ignore my sad face, it was an uncomfortable sleep that night haha!

Feb 5, 2014

Megan S.

And here's the after! I had about chin length hair at the time!

Feb 5, 2014

Brooke L.

You can definitely get perm rods n sleep with them in. If you want, get a perm but it is damaging just make sure you take care of your hair afterwards. (:

Feb 5, 2014

Ember F.

To be honest I wouldn't suggest doing the perm rod thing unless you know what you are doing. It took me 3 mannequin heads before I got a credit for a perm wrap. If you wrap it wrong you end up with fish hooks which are just gross uncurled parts of the hair, if you put perming solution on that than it becomes breakage. Plus you need to wrap all the way down the head in 9 different panels. It's an annoying process to do right.