8 Secrets Cosmetic Companies Don't Want You to Know!!


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Feb 5, 2014

Shelley W.

Found a great piece on totalbeauty.com that interviewed cosmetic chemists dispelling some common myths and spitting out the truth about the products we use. Slide #7 had me laughing...La Mer Cream (that $500 jar of moisturizer) was not created by a rocket science as the company claims it to be and I'm shocked that someone actually said the truth in print. It was designed as a marketing scheme to get people to buy into the untruth. Worth the read.

Feb 5, 2014

Traci L.

At one point I wanted this cream sooo bad till I researched the ingredients I was like heck nooo for all that money lol.

Feb 5, 2014

Mariana E.

So would I. I'm there with Jacqueline. I'm glad we have you.

Feb 5, 2014

Traci L.

Jacqueline are you trying to make me do the happy dance :) that means so much to me coming from you thankk you.

Feb 5, 2014

Stephanie M.

Omg Shelley I read this and panicked!! I'm afraid to look at the ingredients on my products! This is exactly why I always look for those diy creams using 100% organic non gmo ingredients like honey and rose hip seed oil and all that stuff!! Traci do you believe those Diy recipes work?

Feb 5, 2014

Sharifa S.

Wow thanks for the info Shelley. I just downloaded the app for that site.

Feb 5, 2014

Alma M.

Great thread Shelley.and Jackie is right Traci you have No idea how wonderful you are. :)

Feb 5, 2014

Amanda P.

Yes Traci is so incredibly helpful... She should be a beautylish moderator 💜

Feb 5, 2014

Traci L.

Omg here come the tears, thank you so much guys , Alma and Jacqueline do a Awsome job and an its a tough job that I wouldn't want lol now I have to go fix my makeup

Feb 5, 2014

Shelley W.

Yep. I most certainly agree. Traci for BL moderator. She is my go to person when I can't reach out to my husband who has a full plate. When he comes home he doesn't like talking "shop" but when I was having an issue Traci pointed something worthy of me to try and for that I give her kudos all day long. I wish I could dupe her so she can be in FL and do my quarterly facials. xxxx

Feb 5, 2014

Amanda V.

Thank you so much for sharing Shelley!! It's not working very well on my phone but I'll read it on my laptop

Feb 5, 2014

Salma I.

Thank you for sharing this x

Feb 5, 2014

Alma M.

Traci No crying save the makeup! lol You're wonderful..Moderating is a LOT of work and takes patience to the extreme lol.

Feb 5, 2014

Traci L.

Oh I have no doubt about it being a lot of work and patience Alma and I sometimes I have a temper lol you guys keep it together great

Feb 5, 2014

Traci L.

And Shelley if I moved near you we would stay shopping and I would be in the poor house lol.

Feb 5, 2014

Shannon C.

I bought a cheap second hand jar on eBay years ago and it did nothing for me.

Feb 5, 2014

Tara G.

I am so exited to sit down and read this later Shelley! A good scoop on beauty products is like my soap opera.

I agree 100% on how invaluable Traci had been. Traci we appreciate you more than you know and everyday that I see you comment on my mascara trials it makes me so happy along with Naomi who makes me laugh so much. You really take the time to make sure we KNOW the important bases of skincare and love you for it.

Feb 5, 2014

Tara G.

Do you remember the name of the article Shelley?

Feb 5, 2014

Tina K.

LOL! @ Shelly for wishing for a dupe of Traci! I really look forward to learning from her and well... all of you! :)

Feb 5, 2014

Ivonne B.

Can't wait to read this article thanks for posting;) as always loving this site/app! Helps me connect with all you wonderful talented gals instead of being lost on my own.

Feb 5, 2014

Annmarie K.

Shelley, I read tjis article a few days ago when it came up in my feed. After, my "list" was a lot shorter.

Feb 5, 2014

Naomi S.

Ha! at Traci dupe!!.
send one to chicago so I won't b a hag.. just make 3 copies. one for fl, one for me and one that travels the country doing various seminars. Traci there's your money right there!. ;-)

I'm going to read this article later.. thank you Shelley!. I stay away from stuff that's TOO costly unless I totally am sure its going to work. more expensive definitely doesn't mean better. I feel that.

Feb 5, 2014

Traci L.

Lol Naomi your a nutcase and I tex you later

Feb 5, 2014

Traci L.

Kisses Tara I love your mascara threads thats how I'm going to decided what I'm buying next lol.

Feb 5, 2014

Bonnie R.

Thank you for this!