Why do you break out because if foundation??


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Jan 29, 2014

Mally M.

Why does foundation sometimes make you break out?? xox

Jan 29, 2014

Olga L.

For many reasons,
it is wrong for your skin type
your skin had an reaction with an ingredient or ingredients of the foundation

Jan 29, 2014

Kelsey V.

Often it is because of poor cleansing habits, not fully removing all of the makeup at night.

Jan 29, 2014

Shauna S.

Your skin doesn't agree with some of the ingedients.

Jan 29, 2014

Courtney B.

^^ that's not true.

Jan 29, 2014

Eloise W.

People are wrong about this. Foundation is good because it protects your skin from dirty things in air that are even worse for your pores. Foundation is not really not the problem, only if some ingridients are not for your skin type. The real problem is that most of girls don't clean makeup good and that can be bad for your pores. Also you have to moisturise and put primer before applying makeup. :-)

Jan 29, 2014

Mally M.

Oh ok thanks everyone! I just tried this new Lancôme one and straight after removing I I broke out?! I don't think it agreed with my face haha! xx

Jan 29, 2014

Hannah K.

It could be any number of things:
-you're allergic
-you're not allergic but your skin is sensitive to it
-you don't remove it properly, it can stay on your skin and yes, make you break out
-if you don't use a primer as a barrier, it can sink into your pores and cause product and bacteria build up
-if you do use a primer, it can be the fault of the primer for sealing the dirt and bacteria into your pores for a full day (and if you repeat the cycle, hello breakouts. That's why so many people have problems with Smashbox's primer)

Jan 29, 2014

Kitty K.

There's no such thing as skin 'breathing' just to clarify. Or you'd drown and die every time you went into the pool. Your lungs are the organs that need to breathe.
The most common reason foundation can cause bad skin reactions is due to the ingredients it may contain.
Lots of foundations have irritants in them to appeal to the customer. Fragrance, Eucalyptus Oil, Lavender Oil, Citrus Oils, etc.
A lot of people worry about Parabens which have no link to cancer nor have they've been linked scientifically- yet are okay with putting fragrance on their face... Something that is far from a good idea.

Lots of times, we may be allergic to a certain chemical in a foundation. We lather that onto our skin and it breaks out and becomes irritated.
Other times other means will encourage a breakout.
Lets say depilatories... women love them. It's a bunch of chemicals that burn off your facial hairs and burn off the first layer of your skin. You've used the same foundation for a long time, now you decide to use a depilatory to remove facial hairs. Now you have a 2nd, undeveloped layer of skin exposed thats prone to bacteria and all kinds of infections. Or - another common thing. Harsh exfoliation. ( Apricot scrubs ) Same thing, removes the first layer and leaves you with a second layer of skin that should not be exposed.
Come put on make up like MAC which is known for having all sorts of irritants in it - and now your skin flares up and you get one of the hardest break outs to deal with. You have that layer of skin that should not be exposed, a foundation loaded with irritants and other chemicals, and then of course touching your face through out the day, dirt from the air etc.
Primers are essential when it comes to protecting your skin from make up - but you have to know how to read and study ingredients. If you end up with a primer with a bunch of irritants/harmful chemicals then you're going right back to phase one.

Along with that, lots of girls don't like to wash their face. It takes a minute.. take a wipe and wipe it off. Some facial soap and water and you're done. If you sleep with make up on, you're not allowing the cell turn over process to happen and you potentially age and damage your skin.

There's a lot of reasons why - but most of it has to do with the ingredients.

Jan 29, 2014

Lynzie B.

Did someone mention you need to clean your tools as well because they can harbor bacteria?

Jan 29, 2014

Hannah K.

Nope, but that's also a really good point!^

Jan 29, 2014

Kitty K.

Brushes can harbour bacteria very much! Clean them at least every other day. Sponges should also be cleaned ( beauty blender ) or disposed soon after.

Jan 29, 2014

Shelley W.

Hannah and Kitty pretty much summed it up. I've learned from trial and error (plus a allergy test) to discover the irritants that make my skin scream when it comes to foundation. Preservatives that sit high up on the ingredients list (looking at you MAC) attacks my skin something fierce.

Jan 29, 2014

Olga L.

@Shelly, I never knew you could do a allergy test to see what your skin is allergic to!?

Jan 29, 2014

Shelley W.

Olga...my husband performed it in his lab because we were both curious as to what irritated my skin after I used some face wipes. Once we learned the offender was phenoxyethanol (a preservative used in both cosmetics and skincare products) started putting two and two together. It was performed just like your standard allergy test that is done in a doctors office but instead of testing for the traditional test markers (such as food allergies) he used common cosmetic ingredients. Still went thru the prick part though. :/

Jan 29, 2014

Carolyn H.

Sometimes it's not even the product, it can be the brushes, hormonal changes, dirty pillows etc.that are occurring coincidentally around the time you use a new face product.

Also, don't forget your skin adjusts to knew products as well and sometimes a breakout is your skin telling you to chill out.

Jan 29, 2014

Olga L.

@Shelly I'm willing to experience the pricks to piece together why certain beauty products I have break me out.

Jan 30, 2014

Babyboop A.

I'm sorry ladies how do you clean your face after you take all your makeup and again sorry for asking.

Jan 30, 2014

Kitty K.

You can take some olive oil ( any oil of choice ) and massage it in your skin to help break down make up. You can follow up with a make up cleansing wipe if you like. I just wipe off the oil with some tissue then I cleanse my skin with my usual cleanser.

Jan 30, 2014

Babyboop A.

Thanks Mss.Kitty I really appreciate your very good advise

Jan 30, 2014

Babyboop A.

Lol Mss.kitty I just went to your blog and I read Tha same thing on what to do to get strong,longer nails see I'm Puertorican and I learn this when I was. 14yrs LOL necesito k me sends your info para k yo Te follow you y gracias.

Jan 30, 2014

Shelley W.

@Babyboop...I use Bobbi Brown cleansing oil (or coconut oil) and then I follow up with African Black soap because I like fir my night time serum to penetrate...the second cleanser just a great job at clearing away residual oil without drying out my skin.

Jan 30, 2014

Alyssa S.

Use a oil free foundation and before applying it lightly moisturize your face. And always wash your face at night.