QOTD.. What's with the excess editing of make up??


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Jan 31, 2014

Kitty K.

Today a particular person posted a photo claiming it was 'all natural'.
Granted... 1. I am a certified graphic artist. I CAN SNIFF AN EDIT GIRL WHO YA KIDDING?! ( I have been an artist for over 5 years, you're not fooling me. )
2. Is it really getting that bad on Beautylish that we have to edit our photos and then lie about it??

Am I the only one who feels that its wrong to edit something and then act like ITS NOT EDITED? Make up pictures are always edited 90% of the time.
What are you thoughts on editing... cause with all these apps I've seen for editing it has been getting worse.
All these make up looks look nothing how they do in person. And then the sad part is - Other girls hold themselves to these standards and don't want to post any pictures because they don't have a blurred out face! Just like with all these modeling ads...

Jan 31, 2014

Alyx T.

I hate the editing, I agree 100% with you. Especially the not owning up to it.

But I do understand if the person blurs out a scar or a pimple (I'm guilty of that sometimes too, but not the entire face) or adjusting the color to make it look more like in person rather than with the yellow or orange tint flash usually gives

Jan 31, 2014

Samantha R.

If they edit their pictures and say they didn't then they might just be insecure about something they obviously want to cover up. If they say they didn't edit it, then cool. But if they did, who cares. They have their own insecurities and need to deal with it themselves. Ppl on here can actually be very rude and harsh not even knowing it. Claiming that's it's just feedback. Well there is a certain way to give feedback and tips. And some ppl are afraid of hearing the harsh feedback so that leads them to touching up their pics.

Jan 31, 2014

Mikayla B.

I saw a girl with an edited photo, I said "oh wow! your eyelahses can't be real! are they edited?" and she told me no... lol such a lie.

Jan 31, 2014

Mio S.

1- I love you even more now that I know your a graphic artist
2- it really does bother me. You should be proud of your work not editing it to make it look like Barbie perfect. To me makeup is art and when you mess with it, it takes a lot away. It's horrible. In my pictures you can see if I have acne or something but I rather leave that because who doesn't have flaws. It just makes me more human and girls don't realize that

Jan 31, 2014

Mikayla B.

This popped up on my facebook. the eyeliner is in her bangs lol... nice try.

Jan 31, 2014

Mariam A.

I AM WITH YOU 100%! I've seen a picture today of someone who captured there picture saying "all natural", girl! You ain't fooling anyone! you can obviously see that she used a edit to cover up her blemishes. I mean it's beautylish, we all love beauty and can obviously till if anybody edit their pictures or not.

Jan 31, 2014

Alexa T.

Maybe they're insecure. No one really knows, in my opinion let people be who they want.

Jan 31, 2014

Mariam A.

Ok if you edit your picture then lie that you didn't edit it & it obviously looks like you did edit it, I really do not like that!

Jan 31, 2014

Napualani A.

I edit my pics here and there but only because the lighting. I hate the lighting indoors when I'm trying to take a nice picture! Lol but other than that, I don't care about a pimple here and there.

Jan 31, 2014

Kitty K.

It's not so much them lying about themselves... its more so the innocent people who fall for it and then PUT THEMSELVES DOWN!
Check out this video... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHqzlxGGJFo
Like... is this really behavior we encourage?
I say next time someone posts an edited piccy... put a photoshop logo in the bottom cause seriously.
I have like 3 edited photos... think I'm about to go post the photoshop logo on them!

Jan 31, 2014

Mary P.

Thank you Kitty for finally calling it out! It has been bugging me for a while and you're right we shouldn't edit our pictures. We should be proud of the work we have done without editing! It is also very annoying when they claim a picture is "all natural" it is really annoying. :/

Jan 31, 2014

Kitty K.

Right here folks...

Now if ya don't mind... I got some descriptions I needa be touching up!

Jan 31, 2014

Samantha R.

Ok first y'all are saying filters and apps where you can touch up a picture. Now you post a video on a woman getting her makeup and hair done by professionals and someone else editing a picture that will be going on a billboard. Which one is it? No one on here is about to put a picture up on a billboard. So if they want to touch it up, let them. This is beautylish. They aren't about to put their picture in a magazine.

Jan 31, 2014

Mio S.

@Samantha it's just false advertisement. Editing lighting and stuff isn't that bad but like when you take it to extreme which most girls do because it's so easy too now it's like lying. Like Erin said you'll see it and it can even make you wanna buy and splurge on stuff but then it's just nothing what you expected

Jan 31, 2014

Hannah K.

Can I just say that I have literally no idea how to edit a photo? Like, props to anyone who knows, but own up to it. There's no reason to edit, but there's also no reason to lie if you do.

Jan 31, 2014

Samantha R.

I get that. I think society is wrong for putting pics up of someone who looks completely different in person. But these pictures aren't going on tv, in a magazine, on a billboard or anything. I don't think it's any of our place to say 'I can tell your photo is edited, don't try to lie'. Because you don't know what issues or insecurities other ppl have.

Jan 31, 2014

Kitty K.

@Samantha There is a big difference between 'Let me make my picture look rosey, and take off a pimple' vs
Let me make my eyes green, let me change my make up, and now let me add some bigass lashes and some blush and let me slim my face and raise my cheek bones, let me make my nose smaller, let me make my skin look beyond airbrushed, and fuller hair..'
And maybe you haven't come across these apps, but you do know that what is done in that video, is now EASILY available for download as a FREE application? 'Perfect 365 and BeautyBooth' are both perfect examples of apps that easily adjust your facial features with a single TAP.
And if you are OK with people lying about it and then other girls putting themselves down one after the other is up to you - but in my opinion it is VERY WRONG.
Just because these women are insecure about certain features, doesn't entitle them to encourage insecurity in other women.

Jan 31, 2014

Samantha R.

What if girls don't have money like the rest of us to buy all this makeup they see everyone on here have? Have you thought about that? What if they aren't allowed to buy makeup? And those apps help them use their imagination?

Jan 31, 2014

Mio S.

@samantha well that's for their imagination. To put it out there and act like it's your work is kinda disrespectful to people who take their time to do work and try to have it look perfect. If they want to try it by all means go ahead but don't put it up claiming it's your 'makeup look'. Like I said its false advertisement.

Jan 31, 2014

Samantha R.

There are girls as young as twelve on here? Do you think they get that it's false advertisement? Why can't ppl let others do what they want without pointing out their flaws. You can use all these makeup apps but don't post the pics on a beauty app?

Jan 31, 2014

Mikayla B.

You arent allowed to be on this site 13 and under! everyone has their own opinion, there is really no reason to argue. you girls are just going in circles and arent going to agree lol.

Jan 31, 2014

Mariam A.

Let me just point this out, but why would there be girls under 12 years wearing makeup? that's crazy and I will never understand that, you can say" oh why do you care? or "they probably like it" but in my opinion that is a really young age to wear makeup. I started learning of makeup when I was 15 and started to wear makeup when I was 16.

Jan 31, 2014

Hannah K.

I wore makeup when I was 12, that's not the point. the point is that these apps are allowing people to create makeup that's completely fabricated and take credit for it, which is awful for those of us (like me) who spend at least an hour every morning applying makeup and asking people how I can improve. how can anyone improve on a photoshopped photo? that's the issue that I personally have with it. if you don't do your own makeup, you can't ask for opinions on your makeup, and that's it.

Jan 31, 2014

Mariam A.

I totally agree ^ you will never learn if you are constantly Photoshop your pictures.