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Jan 30, 2014

Alma M.

Hello Beautylistas! Hope all is having a Fabulous day.I was looking through all the pictures on the picture forum and Notice so many picture's seem to not fit this site,for example I see Movie covers posted and repeated picture's that are from other Artist posted and Bear picture's etc.I'm sure most know what I'm talking about lol This isn't Pinterest it's gotten to the point that now the most un related Beauty picture's are getting 300 likes. I've seen a picture of a foot get more likes then an eye shadow application Lol yes I've seen that before and laughed my Butt off ,thinking to myself Really?! A Foot has more likes then so and so picture WOW! I need to start drawing toes across my eyebrow with rainbow colors and a splash of glitter.Oh the other one was a Box of Brownie Mix that had a huge amount of likes (Why?! Must be because of the contour on that box that was just so amazing) How could we compete with that? well we can't and that's our fault we don't support each other but we will support a foot or Brownie mix.Sounds crazy but go look at the pictures it's very slim here and I know you all have what it takes and I encourage all of you to post your looks,style,nails,hair,makeup you Know the drill.We see each other enough on the threads I'm quite surprised I don't see much of any of you up there ( why is that?) Time to support your fellow Beautylista! I want to see you all up there,if I have to I'm going on each of your profiles and picking a picture I like of yours...Stay Beautiful :)

Jan 30, 2014

Alma M.

P.S. Don't let that bear pic over shadow you guys  :-)

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

Lol wow!!

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

I feel dumb for not venturing out on this app.. I'll definitely upload pictures there. How do you upload videos?

Jan 30, 2014

Jessica P.

Thanks alma didn't know there was a separate forum for just pictures...I usually just create a thread showing my look.

Jan 30, 2014

Alma M.

Don't feel dumb Michele never feel that way.I'm not sure how the video process is here but I'm sure you must upload on the main site.@Jessica when you upload a photo anyone can see it if they follow you and they go to notifications on the site then you'll see a tab next to it and click that and we are updated by followers on the things they liked or posted  :-)

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

=) I'll start adding mine.

Jan 31, 2014

Aru T.

Hello Alma, I just wanted to be sure if I am understanding your post correctly? are you talking about the Beautylish>Picture forum as seen in the image here? I am new to makeup and with the 'talk' forum, I have developed a level of comfort and don't hesitate to post my queries/looks etc. but with the picture I am still a little shy, :) which I am working on :) thank you for this encouraging post :)

Jan 31, 2014

Alma M.

Lol I'm close to doing that jackie glittered toes with a cake mix box.seriously you do have fantastic makeup pictures that should be up there.@ Aru yes that's it, if you go on the site you post it and if you go to pictures and press the new button you'll see it.

Jan 31, 2014

Nikelle B.

I agree with you Alma. I love looking at the pictures but after a while it becomes redundant. you begin seeing pics of the things that don't even belong. I would love to post more pics on there but sometimes I feel it would be a waste. I do love your encouragement though!

Jan 31, 2014

Babyboop A.

Mrs.Alma I know it's very frustrating to see things that doesn't belong to BL,see I'm very new at makeup but old in age (42) LOL but you got all Tha reason to feel this way see I like to watch posts but I've being noticing that some pics don't belong here but I will try to do my best to make BL proud and my BL Family also thanks for that good advise.

Jan 31, 2014

Babyboop A.

Also I'm still trying Mrs.Jacqueline,Mrs.Tracy,Mrs.Lolita,Mrs.Hibz Mrs.Michele and allllllllll Tha girls that gave me a very good advises on how to do a proper eyeliner,foundation etc.techniques because BL is about makeup.

Michele S.

Jan 31, 2014

Michele S.


Jan 31, 2014

Nina S.

Ahhhhhh had no idea about the picture forum! lol.

Jan 31, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Lmfao you cracked me up alma and I have tried to post a pic but it never gets posted and like you said they don't even get liked so I don't even bother to keep trying, thats why I don't really check out the picture section its very sad.

Jan 31, 2014

Lolita B.

What?? a picture of a foot and a brownie box? I'm surprised I haven't seen it lol. I've posted through the picture forum and I've only seen one of my pictures on there. I was just thinking the other day why I don't see more of them. Maybe it was because the powers that be choose what gets posted on the forum..again, just my thoughts. But I agree, I would LOVE to see more of our beauty chicas posting their glamour looks on there. :)

Jan 31, 2014

Babyboop A.

Preach it Mrslolita

Jan 31, 2014

Naomi S.

I agree alma. and I have noticed that too. a lot of randomness..

Michele S.

Jan 31, 2014

Michele S.

I saw one of grace's pictures in there, I posted 2.

I do post pics and I do get "likes" but I noticed the difference from online vs app. when I post it through online and you could tag pics like the name brand that you used, the looks, created by you, I get "likes" but when I post it through app I don't get "likes" there's no many options like online also I don't know how app works when you get notifications but when I log into through online you get all notications just like when you receive emails. That's why I have two beautylish on my phone hehe.

Jan 31, 2014

Tara G.

Two Beautylish apps? What is that?

Jan 31, 2014

Alma M.

I seen a picture last night posted and it was tales from the crypt lol just random.its usually the likes that keep the pictures on the popular feed.If you go on the site you can see the newest pictures posted, we don't have that option yet on the app.It is best like Lilianette mentioned to go on the site and tag the looks so its featured in those categories.I've seen a lot of pictures re posted of other artist work and some say they post for inspiration but they fail to realize that most of those artist are on Beautylish and have already shared their looks.I seen the actual artist tell some of these people to please give them the credit of their work.I think lately the pictures have become more of a pinterest board.

Jan 31, 2014

Clara T.

I've tried twice to upload a picture of mine to the picture forum and I tag it but it never shows up. I gave up because I feel like it's either the same people over and over again or, like you said Alma, it's something completely irrelevant like a foot😂😭

Jan 31, 2014

Pamela F.

I'm confused. the website very rarely works for me and the picture forum I only get to see half of the screen I.e large versions of the popular pics nothing else. so I use the app. when I go to the photo section of the app and press the plus sign at the bottom and add a pic it only uploads pics to my profile. they never show up in the forum. thats for the same people over and over again for some reason.

Hey @Tara it's not two Beautylish apps. I use Beautylish app and online because both doesn't have same feature. So I add it as "Home Screen" so that I can see it in both ways. I hope I didn't confuse you 🙈 @Alma, yup you are right!! Someone be taking people credit and be like "my makeup" and I be checking their profile and compare their real pictures "I'm like really?!?" They got guts to say that same thing when it comes to nails and have so many likes!! It's so unfair!! That's why who create their art they have to put signatures! GRRRR and yes when you start liking a picture someone starts liking same picture and "likes" grow lilttle by little. I noticed that too.