Now I'm very curious.. Sephora.


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Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

I'm seeing that a few ladies are having problems with the "customer service" in store. I'm curious how many of you out there are having issues with this companies employees /managers treating you bad. This is kinda disturbing to me.

Jan 30, 2014

Haley G.

This is a good topic to discuss, I'm interested, too.

Jan 30, 2014

Nadine S.

I have an issue with sephora as well. I have a beauty insider card with them and have registered it too but every time I go there they never find me on the system. then one of the associates got me a new card and that info is not searchable. When I have walked into their store nobody greets me either and many other them are busy chatting amongst each other.

Jan 30, 2014

Tara G.

I have noticed a level of pretension among some Sephora employees but I just put on my "Kandee Johnson" smile and confidence and I usually get a good reaction but when I don't I just talk to someone else.

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah V.

I'm a VIB @ Sephora and currently have over 2300 points on my beauty insider account...I bought a Clarisonic last month and forgot that I had a $20 (not 20% - just $20) off coupon, went back the following day for a price adjustment and was treated poorly by a sales associate AND a manager. Told I would not be allowed to apply the coupon. I suggested that I return the item and re-buy, they would not allow that, so I simply returned it after trying to reason with them for 5 minutes - I was that irritated.

I always forget to use their coupons, or timing with my 'beauty budget' doesn't match up when they send them I was not happy about them denying me. I told them to look at my beauty insider status to prove to them that I was a loyal and regular customer vs someone that found or was given a VIB $20 off coupon...

I usually don't have negative experiences in Sephora, but I haven't been back since and I have 4 locations within a 20 mile radius.

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.


Jan 30, 2014

Haley G.

You're right on Tara, the level of pretension is palpable in some locations. Just because you work with high-end doesn't make you high-end. I haven't done a Sephora purchase in so long because of this. Its sad because Sephora was like a fairytale land to me as a child, but its hard to go in there now:(

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

Yeah that's one thing I hate is snobby sales associates and managers who act with the "I'm better than you just bc I work at a makeup store"

Jan 30, 2014

Kitty K.

I haven't had any of these issues.. on the contrary I like to be left alone I might be the snobby one! Lol.
They usually all greet me and ask how I'm doing. I haven't had any issues with them at all.
I even has a misuse with my rewards insider, and they were friendly enough to fix it for me. I don't really expect anything from sales associate though, as long as they arent rude they don't bother me. But once they are rude I will gladly run my mouth off.

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah V.

:) This is a great thread rant/post is justified in the fact that I worked a few retail jobs in the past for which I received awards and $ bonuses for excelling in customer service. Previous retail experience included Bath&BodyWorks flagship, Coach Inc., and Michael Kors. So I understand the life of sales associates and I have little to no tolerance for nastiness. I understand people have their bad moments/days...but I feel like sales associates are really customer service agents. They're providing a service (helpfulness, advice, etc) not a product...we're buying a product BECAUSE of the service they most places at least.

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

Ty Sarah. Kitty off this subject, I noticed you weighed just a little more than me.

Jan 30, 2014

Mary T.

I've had my share of problems but I still love the products, emails, samples ect. I've had so many bad product recommendations but I just return return or don't buy til I research. I research my products thoroughly before I go in and don't buy on a whim because a sales girl says I should. That's their job to say how wonderful smthg is. They don't always know and I know it's more likely that they received gratis from the vender they are raving about and know nothing about the product I question. IMO it's good to just go in and know what samples you want and exactly what products you are going to buy. I do listen to their suggestions but take it with a grain of salt and let them know I'll try before I buy so give me a sample. Most of their opinions are biased because venders give gratis or they only know about their own personal skin types and makeup needs. If you don't get a good answer from one person go to the next.

Jan 30, 2014

Lolita B.

I don't shop at Sephora often but my trips have been pleasant. Sorry to hear that so many have experienced poor customer service :(

Jan 30, 2014

Grace K.

I'm at Sephora like...once a week lol. I live right a mall so somehow I just alwaaaays end up there. I've always had a pleasant experience but tbh I know most of the employees by name now so they always say hi lmao. I love Sephora and don't think I've ever had a bad experience in the five years I've been shopping there. Besides, everyone has a bad day sometimes! Unless they're exceptionally rude it doesn't bother me. I worked retail and it gets tiring and monogamous. Sometimes you don't wanna have to be nice to people anymore lol.

Jan 30, 2014

Nathalie C.

In which country do you have problems with sephora? I go in France and Portugal mostly and the employees are very sweet with me.

Jan 30, 2014

Grace K.

PS not trying to bash anyone who had a bad experience! Maybe the Sephora in my city just has great employees and that's not true for all locations. Sorry you beauties had a bad time :/

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

I guess what bothered me the most was hearing about how Haley G got treated so disrespectfully, rude, unprofessional and discriminatory. Then seeing Christy 's bad experience yesterday. I just don't like seeing complaints from loyal customers to these makeup stores about their horrible customer service issues.

Jan 30, 2014

Kelly H.

I visit a lot of different Sephora stores, I like to just do my shopping and be left alone, they are always kind to me, they greet me, ask me if I need anything, I tell them I am just looking and if I need them I'll find them and I haven't had any issues, I'm also a VIB, lost my actual card a few years ago but they never have issues looking me up in the system. Sorry for all those having problems.

Jan 30, 2014

Sharifa S.

I've never had an issue at sephora, but different locations have different employees. I suggest if you encounter someone thats being unprofessional file a complaint right away. They are employees they don't own sephora they're employers need to know that they're bad for business.

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

I'm glad I started this topic