Easy hair and makeup for...


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Jan 30, 2014

Lindsay H.

I need easy hair and makeup for basketball ❤🏀
I don't wear foundation and would prefer just water proof eye makeup

For hair I have medium length thick hair and I have bangs

Also I haven't learnt how to do French braid yet but I can do pretty much anything else

All ideas are helpful
Thanks everyone❤

Jan 30, 2014

Rylee N.

Honestly not trying to be rude but why do you need makeup for a sport? It's not a fashion show. But if you really want to I'd just go with waterproof mascara but then your makeup won't run, but it may smudge which won't look good especially with sweat. Just wear your hair in a centre or side high ponytail with a headband or a side or centre braid with a headband.

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah L.

Honestly what I do for soccer is I cover up the basics like my acne and black heads etc.but you don't wanna cake it on... put the bare minimum aka concealer and powder and MAYBE waterproof mascara! for hair honestly just put it up in a ponytail because a bun is going to fall out. you can have a braid started from the bottom of your head to kinds rest on your back? even at that itll undo and get in the way. best option would be to tie it in a high ponytail and then braid it + add a thick headband!

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah L.

kinda *

Jan 30, 2014

Rylee N.

Also going to pop you a follow because I'm assuming we both like basketball :) 💁🙌❤️😍👌🏀

Jan 30, 2014

M M.

When I play basketball I almost never wear makeup... It just gets in the way and I wouldn't want it to run or smear while I'm playing :) For hair maybe a headband to keep the hair out of your face? Just remember not to use bobby pins because they are metal and you can get in trouble for that...

Jan 30, 2014

Destiny R.

I would say you don't want anyone to think you're trying too hard so I would just go with waterproof brown mascara (cover girl has great ones!), powder foundation (physicians formula has those), and a Chapstick. :)