Any tips for getting braces off?


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Jan 29, 2014

Bridgette D.

I'm getting my braces off Thursday morning! Super excited but kinda nervous.

Jan 29, 2014

Catherine C.

I don't have braces and I never have but I've heard to remember to keep using your retainer thing or they'll start to get crooked again O_O.

Jan 29, 2014

Denise W.

Its MUCH easier than getting them put on. They just crack the brackets off and clean up your teeth a little.

Jan 29, 2014

Hannah K.

It does do that weird thing like when you bite into something too cold though. Do you know what I mean? Like, the scraping made shivers go up my teeth and down my spine. It's not horrible, just don't be surprised if it happens.

Jan 29, 2014

Christina C.

Then only bad part is, is that you might have yellow mess where you had you braces, even if you kept them clean, it happens a lot.

Jan 29, 2014

Christina C.


Jan 29, 2014

Sue R.

No need. its like putting on braces.

Jan 29, 2014

Laura O.

It's not painful or bad or anything, just a bit of cracking when they take the bracket off of your tooth :) I got mine off a month ago and it is amazing! Good Luck Lovely 😘

Jan 29, 2014

Janae H.

Yea the literally snap off the brackets, clean off the excess glue and you're done. I remember it feeling all gooey and weird like the first day or so. As for the retainer my brother and I haven't worn ours for like 3+ years and our teeth are still good but I can't speak for everyone so wear yours as much as needed

Jan 29, 2014

Amy M.

I remember when I got my braces off my teeth felt super slimy. My ortho just said it's bc you're not used to being able to slide your tongue across your teeth :)

Jan 29, 2014

Alejandra A.

Get yourself some whitening products, even pre mouth wash helps (: and and always wear your retainer!

Jan 29, 2014

Kristine N.

Wear Your retainer

Jan 29, 2014

Lindsay M.

When they shave your teeth it hurts but other than that it's a breeze.

Jan 29, 2014

Delaney K.

If they give you the option between the retainer you wear at night out the little bar the glue to the back of your teeth pick the one they glue that way you don't have to worry about remembering to wear it plus you can't see the bar or anything. getting them off isn't bad at all.

Jan 29, 2014

Emily W.

Don't be surprised if it seems like your teeth are huge. It's an illusion because you are used to seeing them with the brackets. They will also feel really smooth.

I had quite a bit of hardware so mine was a bit more difficult to remove, but if you just have plain regular braces it is pretty simple and generally painless. Pop an ibuprofen thirty minutes prior to your appointment if you are worried.

If they give you the option of either the traditional wire retainer or the clear plastic tray retainer (looks like heavy duty Invisalign), get the regular one! I wasn't given a choice and had to use the tray, and I started grinding my teeth when I slept and damaged my TMJ. Now I just don't wear it; luckily my teeth haven't moved much.

Good luck and enjoy!

Jan 29, 2014

Devin P.

Make sure you wear your retainer!! I kept forgetting and mine shifted a little...

Jan 29, 2014

Chelsea L.

Hey Girl!
Getting braces off is one of the greatest days... a mouth full of uncomfortable metal to awesome straight teeth.
I know the braces thing all to well, I had them twice (Not because they became crooked or anything I had to have braces in order for them to wire my jaw after my surgery... My jaw grew a little funny).
Anyways, If you took good care of your teeth while you had braces you will not have many stains but if you didn't I suggest scheduling a regular cleaning appointment with your dentist because the Orthodontist does clean off the glue and stuff but its not as deep of a clean as your dentist can.
Also Always wear your retainer, My mother is an orthodontist assistant and has drilled the "wear your retainer every night" mantra forever :). I suggest getting the clear tray retainer, they are much easier to clean and not as easy to break as the wire ones.
Hope this helps.

Jan 30, 2014

Lindsay H.

Getting your braces off dosnt hurt just make sure you wear your retainer or else your teeth will probably start shifting again

I had braces when I was in grade 3 and now I have them again:( but only because my teeth didn't become permanently secure since my jaw was growing

It's really easy for them to take off so good luck