Breaking out and sweating.


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Jan 30, 2014

Kandace R.

So I have gym and basketball practice after school so I sweat at least two times a day and I take showers afterwards, but I have acne on certain spots on my face. I've used proactiv and neutrogena but the acne is still there. I also have VERY sensitive skin. What should I do?

Jan 30, 2014

Kandace R.

And my skin is very dry.

Jan 30, 2014

Nala H.

What products do you use now?

Jan 30, 2014

Emily G.

Use facial wipes before and after. the brand simple makes some great ones that are really gentle and nourishing. maybe you can moisturize after using the wipe if it's that bad?

Jan 30, 2014

Kandace R.

Right now I've been using neutrogena oil free cleansers

Jan 30, 2014

Lizzy W.

When you're in the shower, work your fingertips across your face in circular motions as if you are applying your cleanser. Since you don't want to be using a cleanser 4 times a day, especially not with your skin type, this will help get of any surface debris. You can also use cleansing wipes, but even the ones marketed at sensitive skin contain a lot of preservatives and things that don't really agree with sensitive, acne-prone skin.

Once you're out of the shower, apply a spot treatment to the areas that need it. My favorite one is Dermalogica Hit The Spot. It's pricey, but the only one that has ever worked for me, and it's pointless to spend money on drugstore treatments that don't do anything.

If you want to switch cleansers, I recommend Cetaphil, either their Gentle Cleansing one or their one for oily/acne prone skin. Aquaphor is an awesome moisturizer :)

Hope this helped!

Jan 30, 2014

Elisa N.

Moisturize! Moisturizers stop your skin from overproducing oil that has been stripped away for your harsh cleansers.

Jan 30, 2014

Veronica M.

You need to see a doctor.

Jan 30, 2014

Veronica M.

I hated spending money on home remedies and cleansers, so I saw a professional.

Jan 31, 2014

Kandace R.

I'm pretty sure I'm getting an appointment to see a dermatologist.