Why so much?? opinions.


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Jan 30, 2014

Sarah J.

I see a lot of makeup looks on here and honestly I think they lOok bad because there is too much black eyeshadow and super thick mascara and eyeliner I think it looks ti heavy. what do you guys think? I think less is more it looks a lot better to me before all of the heavy stuff is added!

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah J.

Light makeup looks fresh and pretty!

Jan 30, 2014

Shaily K.

I think people should wear what they feel comfortable in, whether it be a dark smokey eye or just a little mascara. To each there own! Xx

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah J.

Or just a little bit of black looks dramatic but flattering!

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah J.

Well yeah I'm not saying they shouldn't wear it I just think it looks really bad and wanted to know if other people thought it looked like too much too.

Jan 30, 2014

Symone B.

Personally, I think it's kind of ignorant to say natural looking makeup is the best. Makeup is an art, not just something that's apart of an everyday routine. It is a form of personal expression as well. I feel like it isn't your place to say its bad how others choose to express themselves. If natural is your preference, fine. That's beautiful. But it's just not right to say anything else is just "bad"

I personally prefer looks that are a bit more dramatic. The ones that take neutral colors and transform it into something extraordinary.

Jan 30, 2014

Madison F.

Well some people have insecurities about themselves, and wear make up to make them feel confident and love the way the look... I think girls should do what makes them happy and comfortable :)

Jan 30, 2014

Carlissa T.

You also have to notice you did choose models with blonde hair not all dark looks look good on them whilst someone with darker hair adding eyeliner or something dark can actually help bring out their features. It all just depends on the person basically.

Jan 30, 2014

Hannah K.

Is it so hard to believe that people just actually LIKE dramatic makeup? I do. Madison, to say that girls use dark makeup to cover insecurities is a pretty generalized statement, and kind of offensive to people like me who wear dark makeup because it's fun. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but there are better ways of phrasing than just to say "black makeup is bad."

Jan 30, 2014

Symone B.

Yessss Hannah!

Jan 30, 2014

Anabel M.

Depends on the person. I also prefer fresh && natural pretty but really like how most girls can pull off those dark colors.<3

Jan 30, 2014

Madison F.

I wear dark make up for that reason Hannah.. thats why I said it in the first place, not to offend anyone..

Jan 30, 2014

Hannah K.

That's fine, just remember not to generalize like that :)

Jan 30, 2014

Lara W.

Makeup is an art, it is an accessory, it is to accentuate, it is whatever you want it to be! A fresh face and a bold face each stick out to which its own or another. Generalizing takes out all possibilities that are really endless, saying that we should all be the same and be natural how we are made. Which is exactly why I don't let my grandmother who just got a boob job tell me that I shouldnt wear unnatural makeup. Makeup is my accessory, as it is to many other girls.

Jan 30, 2014

Alma M.

Sarah if you could reframe your question please and give an example or picture,Because I would like a true Clear Idea as to what your trying to say (as for me) so I could be of clear mind before I comment on this.

Jan 30, 2014

Anabel M.

... Also forgot.Like the girl in the pic. Beautiful. But to mee she looks boring.

Jan 30, 2014

Symone B.

Thank you Makeup Mommy!  😘

Jan 30, 2014

Olga L.

I think people should be free to put on as much makeup or little makeup as they so please. Makeup to me is a form of a self expression and art. How much makeup a individual puts on should not be judged.

Jan 30, 2014

Nala H.

I get where you're coming from. For me, I keep my outside makeup natural. But I like to play with dramatic makeup in the house. I could never go outside with it though because I wouldn't be comfortable because I don't look like me. But that goes both ways for some girls, more makeup makes them more comfortable or they just like how it looks. It's not a bad thing. It's a form of individuality. And everyone gets to make their own choice, there's not right way or wrong way.

But I get you. I don't wear foundation because lol for some reason I like my acne scars. Call me weird but it makes me feel human. I'm not perfect and I don't like covering up my skin to make people think I am. (Then again I'm weird lol ignore me)

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah L.

It depends on the person! some people look better with dark eye makeup some look better with just mascara and eyeliner tbh but I see where youre coming from.

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah J.

Just to get things straight since almost everyone reacted to me rudely I was just stating MY opinion. I like natural looks and never have favored darker looks and wanted to know what you ladies preferedb dark or light makeup. it was a question. dark or light. I don't kniw why people are being rude to me! :/

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah J.

I am by no means ignorant. really rude to call me ignorant when I wad only stating my personal preference.

Jan 30, 2014

Symone B.

Whoa now lol No need to get hostile. No one was being rude (me especially.) When you make such bold statements, disagreement is expected.We understand your preference, it was the presentation that was negative. Period.

Jan 30, 2014

Hannah K.

No one is trying to be mean. We're trying to point out that there are nicer ways of phrasing your opinion, that won't offend others or make them feel bad about their personal preferences. How would you feel if I said "yeah, natural makeup is on here all the time but I just think it looks really ugly! Like, why would you wear makeup that makes it look like you're not wearing makeup? That's stupid!" That's not very nice, right? It's pretty offensive? Just be more careful with your phrasing.

Jan 30, 2014

Sarah H.

This whole debate is beyond pointless lol, like seriously, it's silly to debate makeup in any situation because makeup is considered an art by many makeup artists and professionals, it's a subjective matter in any circumstance