Help!! It takes me waaaaay too long to do my makeup!!


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Jan 30, 2014

Stephanie M.

My husband gets so mad at me because it takes me SOOOOOOO long to do my makeup so I need some help! The problem is mainly with my eye makeup. I have deep set down turned eyes so I can't go without eye makeup but it takes me forever!! Do you beauties have any suggestions??

Jan 30, 2014

Seph A.

I don't have suggestions because I also take forever, my husband has the patience of a saint.

Jan 30, 2014

Stephanie M.

Lol Seph! I swear my husband thinks I'm just full of myself but really I just love applying all the techniques I've learned plus I'm a perfectionist when it comes to makeup.

Jan 30, 2014

Lolita B.

Don't feel bad Stephanie. It's a problem for me as well :/

Jan 30, 2014

Seph A.

Girl, just tell him it isn't about you, your trying to look your best for him so he can show you off and other men can be

Jan 30, 2014

Denise W.

Hmm if he's getting mad about it I would try either wearing less makeup (most men like how we look better without to much paint anyway) or if you really wanna spend a lot of time pick a night when you can start getting ready earlier in the day. He will love you for it.

Jan 30, 2014

Libby D.

Try and master one or two looks for when your in a rush, him getting mad at you while your doing it can't be helping either! haha.

Jan 30, 2014

Stephanie M.

Ladies I've tried every one of your suggestions and he still gets mad. Except for Libby's suggestion that's a great idea! I need like a fast go to look! Thanks for all your help ladies!!

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

I agree with libby. In your spare time, sit and practice some different looks. Figure out which you like best and master them. Then use them as your go to looks. Also my favorite brush is a dome brush, so much can be done with it so easily

Jan 30, 2014

Kelly V.

My boyfriend gets mad too...he likes to tell me that he's always waiting for me. which is true. if its day time I usually do a real quick look. like a light lid with a little darker crease. I'll tight line my upper lash line, maybe some of the crease color on the bottom lash line too, mascara and I'm done. that eye look takes me about 5 minutes and cuts my whole routine down by a good 20 minutes or so. night time is another story...I'll keep him waiting. I don't care if I hhave a crabby long as my make up looks good that's all that matters.

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

Lol nice kelly

Jan 30, 2014

Stephanie M.

Lol Kelly! That's how I feel anytime I do my makeup day or night! Lol
@Michelle thanks good idea...cutting down the amount of brushes I use could help too!

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

I actually use 1 brush for my shadow

Jan 30, 2014

Shelley W.

I have the opposite problem. I'm always rushing mine because he takes FOREVER to get dressed and out the My only suggestion is prepping long before you have to be somewhere that way he doesn't spaz out.

Michele S.

Jan 30, 2014

Michele S.

I know guys who take longer than us women too lol.

Jan 30, 2014

Lolita B.

My hubby takes a longer shower than me! lol.

Jan 30, 2014

Jessica H.

Watch the 5 min and 10 min makeup challenges on YouTube to get ideas.

Jan 31, 2014

Grace K.

Hahahaha @ Bens comment. My ex used to always get mad about how long I took but then insulted me if I had redness, pimples, etc. visible. I dumped his ass and found someone who treats me well. I'd definitely try to master one or 2 looks or minimize products by using 1 product for multiple things, like Bronzer as your crease eyeshadow color as well as on your face. If you don't have time for a full face routine just do concealer on blemishes (if you even have any your skin is beautiful!) and use some powder :)

Jan 31, 2014

Jai S.

Girl, I have the same problem. It's relaxing for me... So I take my time.

Jan 31, 2014

Babyboop A.

My husband also gets mad because he buys me makeup and I never used it LOL I can proof that I have 2 full buckets of makeups lol

Jan 31, 2014

Salma I.

You don't need help the hubbys need patience

Feb 1, 2014

Stephanie M.

@Ben LMAO!!

Feb 1, 2014

Stephanie M.

@Grace you're too kind but my skin is far from beautiful!! I have so much to cover up!!

Feb 1, 2014

Stephanie M.

@Jacy it's relaxing for me too...I just love doing it!!

Stephanie M.

Cleveland, Ohio