Your biggest compliment ever?! (: Mine is...


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Jan 29, 2014

Megan T.

What's the biggest compliment anyones told you? Mine is that I look like Jennifer Love Hewitt (but I don't really think I do) (I wish!) lol ♡ ♡

Jan 29, 2014

Shaye M.

I don't know what compliments been my best but I do like it when people compliment my eyes when I don't know them haha :)

Jan 29, 2014

M G.

I'm Mexican and ppl always tell me I look asian. And I'm like "Alright Asian girls are pretty"lol.

Jan 29, 2014

Melissa B.

I've been told twice that I look like Miranda Kerr and I nearly peed my pants. I'm pretty sure those people are just effing insane haha.

Jan 29, 2014

Shaye M.

@Melissa, I just looked at your pictures and you do remind me of Miranda Kerr a little bit actually!

Jan 29, 2014

Cass F.

I've had a couple of strangers tell me I have a wonderful smile and they weren't saying with intention of gaining anything

Jan 29, 2014

Savannah G.

Someone told me I look like Rihanna.. Could NOT see it at all but it was a lovely compliment (:

Jan 29, 2014

Symone B.

From my makeup mommy (Jacqueline H.) 😭😭😭

Jan 29, 2014

Divya K.

I get told I'm skinny a lot, but then people ask if I'm anorexic, but that's probably the closest I get. I also get told I'm smart a lot, but I think that's really just genetics. (I'm fifty percent Asian). I have been told I'm fashionable, that counts right?

Jan 29, 2014

Kiyomi K.

A couple times I've had people that I don't even know come up to me and take my picture after my dance recitals lol! It makes me feel special like I'm a celebrity or something. They basically just come up to me and ask me if they can take my pic lol!

Jan 29, 2014

Leslie D.

I've been told that I have a body like kim K. or that I should model :) literly thought they were crazzy lol.

Jan 29, 2014

Samantha G.

I was told by a gay man that he would make babies with me!! Lol and that boy was flamin but now he's one of my really good friends :)

Jan 29, 2014

Alina L.

@divya I have the Same Problem Since I lost 10kg (22 pounds?) because I was ill (I was a Little Bit chubby so I have a normal weight now) but Since than everybody tells me that I lost so much weight and That I'm skinnier every Time they See me but that's Not True I haven't Lost any more weight in the Last 2 years. I hate to explane that every Time :/

Jan 29, 2014

Delight s.

I was told my marilyn monroe mole is sexy.

Jan 29, 2014

rosemily d.

People tell me they like to hear me sing :)

Jan 29, 2014

Haley G.

I was once told in high school I resemble Scarlett Johansen, which I totally don't, but such a compliment, she's a babe.

Jan 29, 2014

Hannah K.

I'm going to copy Symone, mine is also from Jackie :)

Jan 29, 2014

Yaz Y.

I love when someone says my hair is voluminous! Also I think it's kind when people compliment my eyes

Jan 29, 2014

Brianna M.

I don't get any compliments where I live I guess people aren't very nice here lol

Jan 29, 2014

Megan T.

@ Divya K. - fashionable definatly counts!
@ Savannah G. - You do look like Rihanna! omg
@ Leslie D. - I wish I had Kim K's bod! yessss
@ Shaye M. - you do have pretty eyes
@ Maria G. - lolol yeahh they are pretty lol so basically they called you pretty lol
@Melissa B. - Miranda Kerr? yesss that'd be amazing lol
@ Cass F. - awwwe yes smiles can be the most attractive thing about a woman (: so keep smiling!
@ Symone B. - yesss any complement from Jaqueline is an amazing complement lol!
@Kiyomi K. - Yes! already got paparazzi! Thats awesome!
@ Samantha G. - A gay man...babies with you...BEST COMPLEMENT EVER! lol jk but yaay besties now lol
@ Alina L. - as long as your in healthy condition and feel good abiut yourself...its all goooood. shoot haters are haters
@ Delight S. - Yessss girl work it! I actually knew a girl that drew one on for school everyday and it looked so real but I'm pretty sure it was on a different side one
@Rosemily D. - yaaay (: I like to sing too But nobody said they like to hear it lol...
@ Olivia - awwe yeahh bunch of compliments make you feel great! ♡ ♡ @ Haley G. - Definatly a huge compliment! yep its true she is a babe lol
@ Hannah W. - shoooot again a compliment from Jackie!? I'd wanna show it off too lol
& you guys compliments are awsome!! ♥ ♥

Jan 29, 2014

Megan T.

@ Yaz Y - Yeeahh Everyone wants beautiful Voluminous hair and Yours (hair) is soo pretty! and also Your eyes are very pretty!
@ Brianna F. - lolol I don't see why not! lol your so pretty! I'll give you one...lemme look at your pics real quick

Jan 29, 2014

Megan T.

Ok @ Brianna F. - Your really good at what you do (makeup) I LOVE the eye look you did its like peachy orange golden colors lol and it like one eye in the middle of the other oics kinda lol yeahh that one I loove! Can you do a tutorial on it? and Also I noticed I really like your facial that weird? Like you have high cheek bones I bet its easy to put blush & contour and stuff lol your juat really pretty lol ohh one more I thought of! I like your eye color! Especialy in that oic I was talking about!

Jan 29, 2014

Megan T.

This one

Jan 29, 2014

Ana P.

Something like, "you look so pretty today, I love your clothes/makeup" because I put so much effort to look nice and match my oufit.

Jan 29, 2014

Brittany R.

My favorite compliments are always on my tattoos because they mean so much to me, but that's more a compliment to my artist cuz he's amazing haha but it still makes my day