What's the hype with contouring?


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Feb 3, 2014

Hannah K.

So, I've never been a foundation or
Highlight/contour girl, and I'm wondering, what are your guys' opinions on it?

I think that a lot of people try to do it, but very few non-professionals do it correctly. Maybe I'm wrong. I dunno, I just can't fathom contouring my face like a Kardashian just for school. Thoughts?

Feb 3, 2014

Kaitlin M.

I like to go a gentle contour on my face everyday because I have the cheekbones to do it. It takes practice, so don't contour and then go out in public. Use something that's brown, nothing too orange or muddy colored and sweep it on your cheek bone and then you can do it on your jaw line. Even on your temple, and up to the forehead. Down the nose and on the chin.

Feb 3, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh, I don't contour and I most likely never will, I'm just wondering if you guys have thoughts or input on the whole trend :)

Feb 3, 2014

Kaitlin M.

Such an awkward picture! But I was messing around with my bronzer and I contoured my cheek bone. Then I just blended it out with a fluffy brush :)

Feb 3, 2014

Kenzie L.

I agree that doing a full on HAC like the Kardashians or even the way Wayne Goss does it is a lot for everyday. the way I "contour" is I mostly just sculpt my nose because I feel its too large for my face, then I might add a little highlighter to my cheeks to balance things out and thats my version. applying a shit ton of powders and creams to change the shape of my face is not so appealing for me.

Feb 3, 2014

Ivette H.

I just recently started hearing about contouring. I have tried doing it a few times and failed therefore just don't do it.

Feb 3, 2014

Lou C.

I usually use foundation and add a little bronzer- that's all. I'm not so good at highlighting or contouring my nose, it always looks messy :s.

Feb 3, 2014

Kaitlin M.

The key to it is blending. I'm being 100% serious. As long as you blend it out it'll look good

Feb 3, 2014

Mio S.

I always contour my face because I have a really round face , so I just like to look a little slimmer I guess. It is really hard to get down but I don't do the kim kardashian kind of contour lol. That's just too much for me

Feb 3, 2014

Emma S.

I do a very very light contour. I do it on my cheek bones, temples, and jaw. Honesty I would show you a picture but you can't even really tell in pictures. Even though you can't really see much of the product, it still gives my face a slimmed effect and that's what I'm looking for. I only recently started to do in the last like 6 months but it makes me feel less fat especially in my face.

Feb 3, 2014

Hannah K.

I mean, whatever works for everyone. I'm not a contour girl. That's fine with me. But truly, I feel that if you're going to contour, at least use proper products, and do it right. I spend a huge amount of time on here; I know how to contour and all the dos and don'ts. I just wondered if anyone had any opinions on the subject :)

Feb 3, 2014

Kyraa D.

I love contouring & highlighting :3 when I don't I feel like my face looks flat.
I definitely never contoured my face in the morning before school, & still don't do it now before work. but I do contour/highlight when I'm practicing a new look at home, or getting ready to go out on a Friday or Saturday night (:
I don't know if I do it correctly, but no one's ever told me I look patchy or anything like that. I hope I am, lol! I practice a lot, tho I don't have very good products to highlight/contour with.

Feb 3, 2014

Nicola D.

Highlighter is my holy grail! I wear it everyday without fail even if I'm just wearing concealer and mascara. Mac Msf soft and gentle for winter hourglass ambient lighting powder in dim light in summer!

Feb 3, 2014

Mio S.

Yeah I hate when people don't use the right products! If I can name the amount of times I've seen people on YouTube ( even my favorites sometimes ) with a muddy face! That's the thing with makeup though , it is like art which means it takes a lott of practice. But some people are stubborn and they won't listen to professionals who would give them good advice

Feb 3, 2014

Caitriona H.

I would do it every day I have time (days off, going out) but not to work or college. I just like the way it looks and I try to do it very subtly.

Feb 3, 2014

Jazzmyn R.

I love the idea of contouring, even the extreme contouring. I might be getting it 100% yet but I am always looking and trying to get it as good as possible. I think it transforms my face and I wear it every single day.

Feb 3, 2014

Mackenzi B.

Personally I don't contour because my face is sculpted enough naturally cause of my bone structure. But I think contouring is good for people who don't have prominent cheeks, temples or sculpted nose. I don't think its too much when done correctly. I don't think people with a naturally sculpted face should contour at all or as much as someone who has a more round face and little cheek bones.

Feb 3, 2014

Mackenzi B.

Plus a lot of non professionals don't even use the right products to contour which is a big reason why it looks bad.

Feb 3, 2014

Nala H.

I don't do it because I could care less. Lol people will know I have a fat face whether I contour my cheeks or not. Lol as I always say, I'm so lazy when it comes to makeup. I do what I like and that's it. I love other people who do more but I just can't get into it. I've seen girls who can beat face like it's going out of style and I'm like, "I could do that, but Spongebob is on right now. So an hour getting ready or An hour watching tv?" Somehow Tv always wins... 😇 lol.

Feb 3, 2014

Hannah K.

Lol Nala, Spongebob is always the right answer. I mean yeah, I feel like it's pretty time consuming.

Feb 3, 2014

Nala H.

Lol It's all a matter of preference really. For me, though it's just not worth it. My face is very round (I.e. Fat, I suffer from big cheek-osis) and putting contour on wouldn't do anything except make it look like I had a lot of makeup on because I really don't have much in a way of cheekbones to start with. But other people do it and it's like, "wow, that's awesome." 😮

Feb 3, 2014

Alma M.

I've seen so many change their mind about contouring through the last 2 years,I use to explain the process over n over n over again about how Bronzer was not the product, but they wouldn't understand what I was saying on here.I think so many over look or don't understand what the process is for and how you must have the skill to even make it look clean and almost unseen.That is a techniques that can go Bad right off the bat but so many believe it suppose to look extreme which is not the case.You know when one person does one thing even if it's wrong ,other's believe it to be true especially when it's Youtube and it spreads like wild fire then everyone looks the same like clones because everyone is doing the same look so everyone starts to believe it's correct or don't know better so they make everyone think it looks wonderful then everyone thinks it has to look this way because so and so does it like so an so and then it just keeps going.It's a bit frustrating to me but how could my info compete with a video lol 20 years + doing makeup means nothing unless you have a channel or IG or what have you,for people to respect you or believe you have been in this since forever,ugh..lol

Feb 3, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh Alma, I'm so sorry love. I can understand how frustrating that would be for you. Honestly, people who are willfully misinformed irritate me as well. Makeup trends in general irritate me, but as a matter of personal preference I think that contouring is best left to the Kardashians or for special occasions and such. I understand Mio's point, that she feels it looks best for her, but people who contour just for the sake of contouring confuse me a tad.

Contouring is amazing if you can do it right and use the right products. I do it very lightly for work and heavier for night outs. You're too pretty already Hannah, so you don't need to contour anyway!

Feb 3, 2014

Nala H.

I feel for you, Alma. But you have to know people don't read anymore. They only do what they see. (For lack of a better phrase, monkey see, monkey do). Just because you see something don't just go out and do it and assume you know what you're doing it. There's an art and technique behind it.