Belly button piercing help.


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Feb 1, 2014

Shannon B.

I am in love with belly buttons piercings but don't know if I should get one. Do you girls think it would suit me?
And it makes me nervous cuz I hear the hole can stretch out. Is that true?

Feb 1, 2014

Bailee H.

I've had mine for three years and it hasnt stretched out. I think it would totally suit you (:

Feb 1, 2014

Brianna M.

Go for it! I am in love with all piercings! And I'm sad cause I really want my belly button but kinda embarrassed cause I'm a lot bigger around my stomach so it'll be embarrassing to get it for me but you look like you have a nice body so totally get it!

Feb 1, 2014

Brittany R.

I liked mine a lot, just don't switch it too early cuz I did and I did it too often and it got really infected but it a fun piercing. Brianna f. I think you should get yours! My tummy wasn't the best when I had mine and It was kinda awkward getting it but it was worth it! Plus they don't know you and they will never remember =) that's how I always think of it.

Feb 1, 2014

Shaye M.

Get one if you want it! I've never had a problem with mine but I've noticed a lot of girls including myself had a bubble type thing about 6 months into the healing if that's what you could be calling stretching out? Or are you talking about rejecting? Either way, it should be fine unless your body rejects it, that doesn't happen often though. :)

Feb 5, 2014

Lauren M.

I say go for it! I had mine done a couple years ago by my cousin, but I took it out after about a year and a half because it was a little crooked. Seriously, GO TO PROFESSIONAL- I'm lucky the only problem I had was that it leaned a little to the right. They'll tell you everything you need to know about aftercare and should be more than happy to help you should any problems arise. :)