Does this bug anyone else?


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Feb 1, 2014

Hannah K.

When girls say "how is my makeup" and they're wearing the "no makeup" look.

Feb 1, 2014

Kitty K.

When girls are like IS THIS CUTE -Some retarded duckface teeth photo-
How do you expect me to even process what make up you have on and then decide whether I personally think its cute or not while you're making a retarded face? Like smiles are usually much more prettier.
That's my only pet peeve.

Feb 1, 2014

Hannah K.

Kitty...photoshop? Not a pet peeve?

Feb 1, 2014

Bailee H.

Or 'what shoes wkth my prom dress' and its like a 7, 000 dollar custom celebrity gown -_- maybe its just me being weird, I run a fashion blog where people send in pictures and I find the articles of clothing online for them, a lot of the time its dresses and gowns.

Feb 1, 2014

Emma S.

I agree to everything that everyone has said haha.

Feb 1, 2014

Bailee H.

Its just like, "girl, you do not own that dress."

Feb 1, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh, well said Bailee. Also: people who either don't or refuse to understand that A, Vaseline won't make your lashes grow and B, Mane n Tail won't make your hair grow.

Feb 1, 2014

Kendra H.

It does bother me but I total understand the hardship of trying to get really good lighting.

Feb 1, 2014

Aya S.

@bailee omg haha I saw that one and all the pictures were of dresses worn by celebrities. like what?? haha.

Feb 1, 2014

Emma S.

Thanks Jacqueline! That's a really good point! :)

Feb 1, 2014

Bailee H.

Right?? like come on, girl. be real for a sec. also what's been getting me is the 700 posts titled 'motd smokey eye!" and its not a smokey eye or anything close. we've posted on every single thread how to do a smokey eye but NO ONE listens! :p that irks me.

Feb 1, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh Jackie, you're a credit to us all. I adore you so much, and even more so now that I know truly how much thought goes into your amazing responses.

Feb 1, 2014

Stephanie S.

Omg Kitty that is my biggest pet peeve as well lol..I just think the duck face in general is silly.

Feb 1, 2014

Delaney K.

It does bother me but at the same time I live in a shitty apartment with bad lighting so if its dark out there's no chance of getting a good picture. also most of the other things posted I totally agree with and got a chuckle out of a few.

Feb 1, 2014

Bailee H.

Lol thank you FrancesMarie (: sorry, I tend to rant a bit.

Feb 1, 2014

Bailee H.

We're allowed to rant and post our oppinions, its not doing any harm.

Feb 1, 2014

AlexisClaire E.

You don't need to let things bug you 😋 I work in customer service, if every time someone said or did something I normally wouldn't care for and I let it bother me, I'd be bald by now. It's the power of turning the other cheek. Be the bigger person and simply skip over it 👏

Feb 1, 2014

Emma S.

This is obviously making people upset and that was not my intention at all. I'm sorry if what I've said is annoying, I was just asking a question. Yes this isn't going to solve anything but it made me feel better and hopefully it made others feel better to get some things of their chest. I just didn't want to feel alone in my feelings, especially because I feel bad that it bugs me. I know good lighting is hard to find sometimes. I was just simply trying to state that it is hard to help if I can't really tell what is in the picture. So I apologize and let's just move on :)

Feb 1, 2014

Andrea O.

Wow it got real in here.

Feb 1, 2014

Emma S.

Seriously Andrea haha thank you!

Feb 1, 2014

Mille S.

Jacqueline your comment is propably the very Best anwser I have seen, I Think everyone should just listen to that and then despite how bad a picture or anything posted on beautylish are, then Think before you write :)

Feb 1, 2014

Monte C.

Yeah it does for me.