Stimulate Eyelash Growth


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Feb 2, 2014

Carol D.

Helloo does any of you know about an eyelash growth stimulator I can use?

Feb 2, 2014

April A.

I heard that vasoline does that.. I tried it once it SEEMED liked it worked but still not 100% plus putting vaso there is really weird and tricky not to get it in your eyes trust me its irritating.

Feb 2, 2014

Erin M.

Vaseline DOES NOT stimulate your eyelash growth at all. This has been disproved and there's an article on this site as to why it doesn't work (and it's really not good for your lashes). I'll see if I can find it. Latisse is the only thing clinically proven to help with eyelash growth.

Feb 2, 2014

Caitlin M.

^^ What Erin said. Latisse is the only thing that will work. Please don't put Vaseline anywhere near your eyes. If it gets in them you could get an eye infection. It is NOT safe and doesn't work anyway. And before anyone says this, it DOES NOT "work for some and not others." We all grow our lashes the same way biologically so it doesn't work for anyone. Vaseline or oils only give the illusion that they are thicker or longer.

Feb 2, 2014

Carol D.

Girls does anyone know about this camilash??

Feb 2, 2014

Carol D.

thats its picture

Feb 5, 2014

Preeti P.

If you want a natural remedy, then its castoe oil.