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Nov 14, 2012

Didi L.

i recently bleached my friends hair n it went all wrong!!! he said he had no color in it tht it was all newgrowth but when the bleach started processing i could tell he still had black in it . what can i use to get those orange n yellow tones out?? he really wants his hair bleach blond!! any tips ?? n for damaged hair .whats the best treatment? will really appreciate the advice:)

Nov 14, 2012

Kayli H.

You can use a toner, or just make your own with a little purple hair dye (like the kind from hot topic) and conditioner. It really gets the yellow tones out and is fairly cheap. But then again, I use purple dye so I just have some laying around haha. Good luck!

Nov 14, 2012

Didi L.

i do have sum purple around haha:)) its special effects pimpin purple how much do i mix of each?? id hate to leave his hair purple lol heres a better look at a before n after . 

Nov 14, 2012

Didi L.

as u can see its also dry :((  

Nov 14, 2012

Natalie T.

I recommend using Wella Color Charm T18 (I think its lightest or palest ash blonde or something like that), I use it and it gets rid of my yellow tones perfectly. In my opinion, the most effective thing for me is letting Clairol Shimmer Lights Shampoo and Conditioner sit on my hair for a while then rinse it out. I leave it on for extra long to make it a little purpley, but you wouldn't need to do that for platinum. Just washing the hair as normal with the shampoo and conditioner would eliminate any yellow tones and keep them away. It doesn't look too bad from the photo so I'm sure just using toning shampoo(like shimmer lights) or a toner (like wella color charm) would do the trick. 

Nov 14, 2012

Didi L.

Awsome!!! thanx for ur advice ladies:)..!! 

Didi L.

El Paso TX