12 Year Old Makeup?


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Jan 31, 2014

Mariam A.

Bad eye liner can cause Black underneath your eyes, I mean what 12yr old go out and buy good and expensive eyeliner? lol I don't so

Jan 31, 2014

Kiimy B.

Ohhhh I get it lol I thought you meant permanently.

Jan 31, 2014

Janet M.

Mariam, no it won't. Maybe as you wear it but once you take it off there should be no residue. And make up DOES NOT cause pores. You cannot cause pores to be created. You are born with pores. If you're talking about enlarged pores that's different but if you take care of your skin you shouldn't have that problem, unless you have oily skin. But make up will not cause enlarged pores or blackness.

Jan 31, 2014

Janet M.

I've used cheap and expensive eyeliner since I was 12 and I've never had blackness. Clearly they aren't taking it off.

Jan 31, 2014

Lou C.

I think there is no "perfect age" for wearing make-up. It would be really nice if every girl could just try out make-up/wear make/not wear make-up like and when she wants without other people judging her. I mean, it's just make-up, it's nothing that causes serious damage or sth. 

Jan 31, 2014

Mariam A.

Janet I just don't 100% agree on makeup for little girl's. And I do agree it does cause blackness underneath the eyes.

Jan 31, 2014

Janet M.

Well I didn't state it was okay for young girls so that's not what the debate was on but nice move on changing the subject! 😌

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

I just think it ages you. If not permanently, at least while you're wearing it. I'd rather not have my 12 year old looking 16 lol it just makes me think of those child beauty pageants.

Jan 31, 2014

Mariam A.

Oh I did change the subject didn't I? lol. Makeup causes pores and eyeliner and mascara causes black underneath the eyes. Well at least cheap makeup does.

Jan 31, 2014

Brenda O.

12 years old? I think no. Your a little girl,atleast until 15...what's wrong with todays society lol.

Jan 31, 2014

Lily S.

I'd say no to eyeliner and mascara for a 12 year old. I think lipgloss would be fine though.

Jan 31, 2014

Lou C.

Btw.: I started to wear make-up at 10 (I was pretty mature for my age at that time, I just didn't feel like a child anymore) and there was really no problem with the adults- they were always telling me that I look beautiful and that I know how to put on make-up well etc. BUT there were my young classmates who were bullying me for not behaving like a child anymore and because of my mature appearance... that was the worst time I had in my life, so it really makes me sad when people are judging young girls because of so unimportant thinks like their make-up or dressing- especially young people like to do this quite often.

Jan 31, 2014

Lauren R.

Eh...lip gloss and maybe mascara. Probably mascara on special occasions only.

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

I was quite mature also at 10 and I still didn't wear makeup. Like I said, why would I want someone that young to look older? (Hope I'm not offending anyone) if I saw a 12 year old with full face makeup, a push up bra, body con skirt, and crop top with stilettos on, call me wrong but I don't see anything ok with that. (Yes that's an extreme example but it's to get my point across) kids should be kids. They have their whole life to grow up. Why try to speed up the process?

Jan 31, 2014

Marleen B.

For everyday, clear mascara, tinted lip gloss. And brow shaping is ok (tweezing) as long as its only to clean up strays & avoid a unibrow.

Jan 31, 2014

Brenda O.

Makeup is a big deal.And I hate the fact that the age to start wearing it is getting younger and younger.I love makeup,<3 but I don't approve that fact that little girls should wear it. Here's a real life example of what I've seen,which is really really sad. Its sad what they do to young girls in beauty pageants...

Jan 31, 2014

Lou C.

@Nala: well, I it was like that for you, that's absolutely okay- nothing wrong with that. I'm just saying that I find it inappropriate to judge young girls' way of dressing or wearing make-up.. that just doesn't make sense for me. Why is it so important for some people to judge other people (by things that are absoluty not their business). Just because I wore make-up at 10 I would never judge girls who don't wear make-up at 10.. I just don't care. And getting bullied is not so nice, so maybe you can understand me if you think it over a little :).

Jan 31, 2014

Lou C.

@Brenda: I think there is a really BIG difference between a young kid being FORCED to wear make-up by their parents and a young teenage girl trying out make-up because she WANTS to try out make-up.

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

Nina and Autumn, I respect your opinions.

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

If everyone agreed with everything, the world would be boring. I just won't let my daughter wear it. She can "express" herself and show her maturity through other ways.

Jan 31, 2014

Brenda O.

I guess your right nina. But I still don't agree with the fact that 12yr old girls are wanting to wear makeup. It doesn't make sense lol they just want to be older. I could understand a teenager,in high school,but younger than that,no.

Jan 31, 2014

Brenda O.

@nala,they'll never see it how you see it,cuz your a mother,of a little girl lol :)

Jan 31, 2014

Lou C.

Brenda: how can you know that this is the case for everyone? In my case, I really wanted to wear make-up- not because I wanted to look older but because I LOVE make-up and loved it back then.. nothing wrong with that in my opinion and I'm so happy that my mother always supported this and showed me how to put on make-up right so that I wouldn't look like a clown xD. I respect your opinions but I still don't think it's right to judge young girls behaviour like that... because I experienced myself that young girls can be really rude when they start judging other girls by these things.

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

Brenda, I don't have kids. Lol

And I would let her try makeup. Just not wear it out the house.

Jan 31, 2014

Brenda O.

It doesn't seem logical in my opinion to wear makeup at such a young age. You say you loved makeup,but not to look older,where did you get inspired to love makeup so much? From young girls? I don't think so.