12 Year Old Makeup?


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Jan 31, 2014

Angelina S.

I think 12 is a fine age for mascara and eyeliner? What do ya think?

Jan 31, 2014

Angelina S.


Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

I'm not crazy about it.

Jan 31, 2014

Rose R.

Yes, that's ok! (:
If you, as Tori said, keep it on the natural side! (:
But 12 is a good age to start getting into beauty!

Jan 31, 2014

Carlissa T.

I have to agree with Nala makeup at 12 isn't really good even if it is just mascara & eyeliner. What's the point of it it makes them look older which isn't ok.

Jan 31, 2014

Angelina S.

I think it's totally fine I mean there already practically teens.

Jan 31, 2014

Anna S.

I think it's fine when I was twelve I who're makeup.

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

I wouldn't let my daughter wear it at 12. I'd rather just invest in great skin care products for her.

Jan 31, 2014

Lena C.

I started wearing makeup at 12. I agree keep it natural.

Jan 31, 2014

Mariam A.

Who wants to damage their face at such a young age? Eyeliner and mascara causes black underneath the eyes, eventually they are going to have to cover it up, then they're going to start wearing foundation, then they will have pores and such & such. I do not agree at all. My little sister is 12 yr old and even the thought of me imaging her wearing make up isn't ok.

Jan 31, 2014

Mikayla B.

I don't think so.

Jan 31, 2014

Angelina S.

Ok thanks!

Jan 31, 2014

Angelina S.

I think mascara if fine though.

Jan 31, 2014

Angelina S.


Jan 31, 2014

Grace K.

At 12 I wore just mascara and powder :) But I don't think eyeliner is ridiculous, as long as it's natural. Maybe a brown instead of black :)

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

What Mariam said. I'd rather not have a twelve year old looking older than she is. It's not a good idea in my book. But do what you want. It's your life, this is just my philosophy. I didn't start wearing makeup till I was 17. And I'm 19 and still only wear eyeliner and do my brows on a day to day basis. And a lot of times I go barefaced.

Jan 31, 2014

Janet M.

Eyeliner and mascara doesn't cause under your eyes to turn black. That has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard.

Jan 31, 2014

Janet M.

And foundation doesn't cause someone to get pores. We all have pores everywhere. You get enlarged pores with oily skin and clogged pores. Make up doesn't clog your pores if you remove it

Jan 31, 2014

Mariam A.

It really does Janet. Not permanently but it will cause black underneath the eyes. And yes foundation does cause pores

Jan 31, 2014

Maddie M.

I'm 14 and I don't wear eyeliner. It's not that I'm not allowed I just think it looks unnatural and makes you look too grown up. The longer you can not wear makeup the more your skin will appreciate you when your older

Jan 31, 2014

Gabriela L.

Agree with nala

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

✋ High five Maddie. Lol that's exactly how I feel.

Jan 31, 2014

Laura R.

I wasn't allowed to wear it until I was 16 which is when I started driving and got a cell phone. No need toale little girls to grow up sooner then they need too.

Jan 31, 2014

Kiimy B.

^^ how? Pores are genetic & depend on the way you take care of your skin and mascara comes off even waterproof so how will it cause black if you remove it?? Sorry for jumpin in the convo I'm just curious lol never hurd that before.

Jan 31, 2014

Kiimy B.

@ mariam