Tips, Advice, Help Lol.


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Jan 31, 2014

Karen A.

So I'm still getting used to make up I've tried some different kinds of foundation but none has worked for me please if you guys can help with these questions
1. which foundation to try I want medium coverage my skin is normal to oily
2.what is my skin tone? do I know if I am medium beige or beige or pure beige etc.when I comes to foundation?
4.what kind of lipsticks would go with my skin color different kinds of colors please
I have an ultra here && not to expensive products please...thanks

Jan 31, 2014

Jennifer S.

Get all three of the colors and swatch them on your face. whicever disappears is the right color.

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

You're skin looks nice! Why wear foundation if you don't need it?

Jan 31, 2014

Antonia S.

We have pretty much the same skin type. Right now I'm using MAC Mineralize Moisture Foundation. It costs $34 dollars and I wear the shade NC30 (according to a MAC associate, the formulation in this foundation is different, causing it to appear lighter. Normally I wear a shade NC37.) I have also used MAC Studio Fix Fluid ($27) which is a well known foundation and a staple for many women out there. I used that foundation from around age thirteen/fourteen up until recently. I'm almost 18.

As far as your skin tone:
Find your undertone. This is actually pretty easy. Check your veins (mine are pretty visible in my arms.) Are they blue? Green? Or kind of a mixture of both?
Blue - You have cool undertones.
Green- You have warm undertones.
A mixture/you can't really tell- You may be neutral.
Another way to tell is if you believe you look better in silver or gold jewelry. Silver is often cool, gold is warm.
Just from your photo, I'm going to peg you as a warm undertone.

When matching your foundation on your own, I discourage against matching it to your face. This may work for some people, but I notice that a lot of the time our face may not be an exact match to our body. I almost always have my foundation matched to my neck, so everything looks the same and you avoid that dreaded "line" that makes you look like you're wearing a mask.
An example: In the summertime I tan. I apply tanning oil to my body and sunscreen to my face, since the oil breaks me out. My body gets tanned, my face does not. Therefore, my face is a good few shades lighter than my body. If I matched my foundation to my face, it would look ridiculous.

When it comes to lipsticks, they say to go according to your skintone.
Let's start with a red lipstick. Because we have warm undertones, we should buy a red lipstick with a warmer undertone like orange. An example would be Lady Danger by MAC. It's a really orange-red color. BUT, I do the opposite for one sole reason. My teeth. I find wearing lipsticks with warm undertones make my teeth look very yellow. So I wear Ruby Woo by MAC. It's a red with blue undertones. Even though it has cool undertones, it still suits me and it doesn't make my teeth appear yellow.
A few other lipsticks that I like are Candy Yum Yum (bright pink) and Heroine (purple). My favorite nude lipstick of all time is Honey Love. All of these lipsticks are by MAC, and their lipsticks cost $15 each.

If all of this seems overwhelming to you, go to a makeup counter like MAC or Estee Lauder (Estee Lauder owns MAC.) Have them match you for a foundation. MAC is a pretty well known color reference system. If someone told me they are a NC20 in MAC, I can practically pinpoint their skintone in my head, much better than if they were to say "I wear Sand Beige in Revlon." One thing to know about MAC though, it that they FLIP their colors. Like I said, I wear a NC30. N stands for neutral, and C stands for cool. But I'm not a cool tone, I'm warm toned. MAC labels their warm tones as "C" and their cool tones as "W." I have no idea why, but they do.
At MAC, you can also try out a bunch of lipsticks to see what suits you best. My advice is to go on a weekday, either in the daytime or that night. You're more likely to get more of a one-on-one experience. The weekdays are normally really busy. Or you could always make an appointment :-)

Jan 31, 2014

Karen A.

I mainly want the foundation just so it can even out my face I hate the bags under my eyes.

Jan 31, 2014

Nala H.

You can just use concealer under your eyes. It'll save you time and money.

Jan 31, 2014

Shauna S.

Try MUFE Mat Velvet + it's impossible for us to tell you the right foundation shade so you should go get it matched by a professional.

Jan 31, 2014

Carlissa T.

I would like to say you are very pretty!