Home Remedies for longer healtier hair


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Nov 14, 2012

Irma F.

My hair Doesnt grow and its doeant feel Healthy what are some homee things icould try for my hair .or sally Shappos,oils etc .if picturres even better thank you all

Nov 14, 2012

Johanna T.

I use mane & tail horse shampoo ! It works wonders :)

Nov 14, 2012

Jordan W.

Take lots of fish oil, biotin, and just a good multivitamin in general! Weekly oil treatments work wonders too. Try argan, coconut, grape seed, or whatever kind of oil. They really help. Protein and water also really help tour hair to grow! Stop using heat on it if you do, and just let it do its thing. Your hair should grow pretty quick. I haven't used heat on mine in about three months now and it helps tremendously. Also try taking two teaspoons of black strap molasses a day! Hope that helps good luck!

Nov 14, 2012

Jordan W.

Also try braiding every night before bed, and even sleeping on a satin pillow case. There's a billion little things you can do to help your hair. :) don't stress either! It's bad for your hair! And get plenty of rest since that's when your hair grows the most. Also! Scalp massages are wonderful since they stimulate the hair follicle! 

Nov 14, 2012

Jordan W.

I know I have already commented twice but I thought of a couple more things! Wash your hair as little as possible, since your hair breaks very easily when wet. And use a good shampoo and conditioner. I use Peter Lamas from whole foods. It's a little pricey but worth it so you don't get build up on your hair. And rinsing out your conditioner in cold water helps to seal the follicle after you've conditioned your hair and helps it to shine more. Putting a little bit of honey in with your conditioner also REALLY helps it to shine. I'm obviously obsessed with having longer healthy hair too :) 

Nov 14, 2012

Cloey B.


Nov 14, 2012

Rina N.

Having a balanced meal helps, try eating a lot of protein because your hair is made up on dead protein. Drink tons of water, it really makes a difference. I would also suggest working out cause it gets blood pumping through your body. Also anything that stimulates your scalp whether it be massaging it or applying peppermint oil. (:

Nov 14, 2012

Mary P.

Long, healthy hair depends on your over all health. Make sure you eat healthy, drink lots of water, work out at least 5 times a week, stay away from stress, sugar & fast food! :-)

I agree with all the tips...also, try putting castor oil (mixed with a lighter oil like almond or coconut oil) on your scalp twice a week..i dont know how exactly this works but it does help me grow my hair faster. And its not just me, do a google search on castor oil and hair growth you will see positive result all over :)

Nov 14, 2012

Rina N.

I've heard so many things about Castor Oil also, I should buy it and give it a try!

Nov 14, 2012

Trista Shea E.

So, that mane and tail really works?!

Nov 14, 2012

Kimberly F.

Macadamia nut oil hair masque is amazing. Some salons like jcpenneys salon carru this line i just get the $4 Pouch and its good for at least 4 treatmenta. Only use once a week.

Nov 14, 2012

Alyse M.

Biotin!!! I swear by it! I have long, mostly healthy hair. I shed less when taking biotin regularly lol.

You can also use olive oil as a hair treatment. 

Nov 14, 2012

Irma F.

thank you guys so much

Nov 14, 2012

Maura x.

ripe avocado with olive oil....it really help...gives lots of shine and leaves it really smooth 

Nov 14, 2012

Sarah B.

Biotin.. Also make sure your diet is sufficient in the protein area. Hair will be WEAK if you are lacking protein.. Protein is keratin which is what your hair is created from ;)

Nov 15, 2012

Brianna M.

Sounds gross but I put mayonnaise in my hair leave it in for an hour then wash it out it does wonders.

Nov 16, 2012

Liza G.

for healthier hair I put in pure jojoba oil at night and wash it out in the AM also a biotin supplement will help 

Nov 17, 2012

Íris S.

And remember to cut off the split ends every month :)

Nov 17, 2012

Marta G.

Taking a biotin vitamin is a must if you want to grow your hair. I would also suggest staying away from styling tools because they damage your hair.