Simple Brand Makeup Removing Wipes?? Thoughts.


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Jan 31, 2014

fall V.

I've use the neautrogena brand wipes before and rlly like them but I decided to try the simple brand wipes this time but I don't know if it's just me but they gave my dry patches and I feel like they don't remove all my makeup. have any of you tried these??

Jan 31, 2014

Hannah K.

They didn't work for me either. Also, everything I've tried from that brand has burned the bejeezus out of my eyes. It required a lot of scrubbing for me. Personally I love the Burt's Bees wipes, if you're in the market for different wipes :)

Jan 31, 2014

Tiffany O.

Try purity whipes from philosophy it really works.

Jan 31, 2014

Symone B.

Seriously the best makeup remover is olive oil. It hydrated the skin and it doesn't burn the eyes at all. It removes every ounce of makeup. I put some on a face pad and go to town

Jan 31, 2014

fall V.

thanks ladies!!

Jan 31, 2014

Caitlin M.

I sort of just hate all wipes lol. The ones that say "doesn't sting or burn" seem to burn even more for me. I prefer to use an oil based makeup remover. Philosophy has one that I used to love but just don't shell the money out for anymore, but its great. What I currently use is Salma Hayek's line called Nuance. I use the Dual-Phase makeup remover. It's a CVS exclusive line, and it's about $7 but I've had my bottle since October and will probably still have a month's supply left. I would definitely buy another bottle when mine is gone

Feb 1, 2014

Samantha C.

That sucks you don't like them! They're my holy grail wipes!