Ugh! Stylist/Colorist question.


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Jan 31, 2014

Allie P.

Before I got this client in my chair, she told me that her hair was very resistant to bleach. Well, I lifted with 30 volume and it lifted to a pale yellow but some spots were a gold color. After toning and drying the gold was still there! So frustrating. Her natural was about a six and she had some darker color in but I was sure it would lift with a 30. She wasn't upset considering that she knew her hair was difficult but it still made me mad. I'm a perfectionist.

My question is, is there any additive I could have added to the bleach beforehand? Or anything I could have done differently?

Jan 31, 2014

Raylene I.

I don't have an answer for you except I think even thought it's not "perfect" to you it looks amazing to me :)

Feb 1, 2014

Allie P.

Awh thank you.

Feb 1, 2014

Caitlin M.

I'm not a stylist or anything but I've been very blonde in the past and my view in general is that it's definitely a process/journey lol. Sometimes a very lonnng process before it will be the desired look, even with a good stylist and hair that lifts easily. Mine does lift quite easily but even so I had to make multiple visits. I think it's just the nature of the beast so to speak lol. But I think it looks quite good honestly. It's blonde for sure and I'm sure at her next visit it will go a lot lighter if that's what she wants. I think it's great for a first lift :)

Feb 1, 2014

Allie P.

Thanks so much. She actually decided that it was too blond and wanted to throw some darker pieces in there. It will cover the gold so I'm not too upset anymore.