What do you do in the morning and evening?


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Dec 31, 2013

Kitty K.

I browse beautylish, read a book, drink some tea or juice ( as in juicing fruits and vegetables, not artificial juice ), talk with my bf, or just find things to watch on YouTube  ☺

Dec 31, 2013

Hannah K.

I listen to music while I'm getting ready, morning and night. In the am it wakes me up, at night it helps me relax. At night I go on the Beautylish app, text my boyfriend, watch youtube and check out a few beauty blogs, and then watch as many episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer as I can before I feel like I should fall asleep.

Jan 1, 2014

Hannah K.

In the morning I have a shower then use Liz Earle moisturiser and Garnier body lotion. I'll either dry my hair naturally or use a heat defense spray and blow dry it. Normally when getting dressed I listen to music:) then I'll do my hair and makeup.
When I go to bed I use Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish to take off my makeup and Liz Earle moisturiser again. After, I'll read/listen to music/go on here, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter/text my boyfriend/Skype my bestfriend (who lives in New Zealand) or watch a film until I go to sleep:)