Acne scars.. HELP!


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Dec 30, 2013

Lauren M.

I have a lot of acne scars on my chin. At first I thought they were just pimples that would just never go away but then I realized they were pimples but just the scars left from them. Are there any natural methods or store brands that help get rid of these??

Dec 30, 2013

Lauren M.

Realized they weren't**

Dec 30, 2013

Diamond T.

Baking soda and lemon is a good exfoliating face mask. Gently rub it on and leave it on for about 20min. Your face will be red afterwards but it'll go away in about 30 min. You can substitute Lemon with orange juice.

Dec 30, 2013

Diamond T.

You can also do honey masks. Just apply the honey to your face and leave it on as long as you want it will also give you a nice glow.

Dec 30, 2013

Lauren M.

Thank you! :)

Dec 30, 2013

Diamond T.

No problem :)

Dec 30, 2013

Ruheen J.

This might sound eww and crazy but try this, it will help... when you wake up in the morning rub some saliva of yours on the acnes... or you can try rubbing a little toothpaste on the spot... you'll see that the size has reduced!

Dec 30, 2013

Aiman R.

Rubbing saliva is more ewww btw.. the masks described by diamond are quite better..

Dec 30, 2013

Taylor F.

I have them on my chin too, but they're barely noticeable now thanks to Neutrogena. I use the Fight & Fade Toner and it works soooo well. I saw improvements after a few days. I wash my face, apply the toner, and moisturizer. My skin has never been better. I would really recommend you try it, you can get it at Walmart or any drugstore for $8 :)

Dec 30, 2013

Taylor G.

I use lemon juice to help with spots and also the Neutrogena toner Taylor mentioned every night.

Dec 30, 2013

Lauren M.

Thanks for all the tips girls! :) I will definitely try them out.

Dec 31, 2013

Skyler P.

Vitamin e oil. coconut oil, and bio oil.

Dec 31, 2013

Lisa S.

Lemon juice was horrible for my skin, it made me breakout, skin burn, and I didn't notice great results. I have been mixing vitamin e oil with my cerave moisturizer for almost a month now and my skin looks great! My acne marks on my chin and cheek are gone and I never thought they would go away, so I highly recommend trying vitamin e oil. I bought mine at cvs but I'm sure all brands work just the same

Dec 31, 2013

Lauren M.

Ok thank you guys so much!