The clarisonic is reaaally breaking me out...


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Dec 30, 2013

Brandy S.

I don't even want to leave the house. Does anybody know how long this "purge" phase lasts for? I have used it twice, with a gentle cleanser and the sensitive head.

Dec 30, 2013

Brandy S.

Thanks.. Its weird bc I'm used to getting cysts but mine usually are huge and last forever but these are small and don't hurt much they just look bad :/

Dec 30, 2013

Tonita C.

No longer than a few weeks. It's totally normal; the impurities beneath the surface of your skin are working their way out. Hang in there-end results are worth it!

Dec 30, 2013

Alyx T.

My rule with new cleansers is 21 days. That way I see if it works on all stages of my skin (correct me if I'm wrong but I was told that the top layer of skin on your face cycles in 21 day periods) if in 21 days your skin is still bad, it's not working for you. I doubt they'll stay though, I hear everyone breaks out so much at first with it.

Dec 30, 2013

Brandy S.

I hope so! I feel so gross with acne everywhere :,(

Dec 31, 2013

Lisa S.

I would try maybe a different brush if you continue breaking out. I never had the purging problem with my clarisonic though when I started using it