Confession of bad beauty habits.


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Nov 11, 2012

Osiris A.

I almost never have Chapstick on so my lips are always chapped ! 

Nov 12, 2012

Selina V.

I sleep with my makeup on, and I hardly use lotion. It seems we all have the same habits

Nov 13, 2012

Haley C.

I dye my hair A LOT, Never sleep with my makeup on - but I never WASH my face like I should, Over-Plucking my eyebrows, & I always just paint over my nail polish -_- ; then when I try to take it off, It doesnt come off for anything in the world.

Nov 13, 2012

Chandra B.

I bite the dry skin in the sides of my nails :-( I ALWAYS have my nails painted but my cuticles are a mess. I love getting mani's because they clean it all up. I try but I just can't get it the same. 

Nov 13, 2012

Samantha P.

Omfg I touch my face waaayyy too much and sleep in my mascara

Nov 13, 2012

Michelle E.

@jisamor what's wrong with hitting pan?!? My problem is that I NEVER hit pan! Too many products lol, I probably don't wash my brushes as often as I should && not using eye cream nightly even tho I'm only 22 && picking chipped polish before taking it off

Nov 13, 2012

Jasmine G.

I dont wash my makeup brushes :O which is so bad

Feb 10, 2013

Ali W.

Falling asleep with makeup on! seems to be the big one lol.

Feb 10, 2013

Rica F.

Using sheet masks at least twice a week only. I use it every night...

Feb 10, 2013

Lucy L.

Sleeping in my makeup and constantly rubbing my eyes...especially when I have liner on my lower lids its like ocd lol

Feb 10, 2013

Devan V.

Sleeping in my make up, picking at my face, pulling my lids out for my makeup, and biting the dead skin off of my chapped lips big time!

Feb 10, 2013

Angela D H.

I sleep in my make up at least twice a week...and I forget to moisturize.

Feb 10, 2013

Danielle D.

I'm a pimple picker! Ugh...and I definitely don't change my pillow cases enough even tho I always wash my face before bed, but I'm sure it still gets icky lol...ohhhh and sometimes I get lazy and don't want to tweeze my brows so I use a razor for a quick fix! Lol this would be a fun tag to do on my YouTube channel,! What do you think?!?!

Feb 10, 2013

Bianca C.

Let's see... Biting the skin around my nails, never moisturising my body, washing my brushes like every couple of months, picking at my skin constantly, not being active and eating well, not sleeping right, and ten million other things.

Feb 10, 2013

Maura P.

Not throwing out my products when I should like ill keep my mascara longer then three months

Feb 10, 2013

Molly M.

I sleep in my make up. I also never remember to clean my brushes. I also will share my makeup with my mom.

Feb 19, 2013

Rose D.

I hardly clean my brushes and dont throw out my mascaras.

Feb 19, 2013

Mesa M.

Kadria a good cheap thing to use is baby wash, it's really gentle since its meant for babies but it works really well to clean...I constantly fall asleep in my make up, once I start washing my face on a regular basis I break out, I'm also way harsh on my hair for dying it.

Feb 19, 2013

Marne M.

I sleep with my makeup on, mainly my bb cream. I just get so tired since now I'm soon to be a mom, I forget to wash my face before bed. Also too, I forget to totally wear regular cream to stop any acne from forming along with my Oyster Cream to keep wrinkles away.

Feb 19, 2013

Sydney F.

Sleeping with makeup on... I need to break that habit!!

Feb 19, 2013

Yolanda R.

I bite the skin around my nails /.\ & I don't wash my makeup off before bed.

Feb 19, 2013

Kathryn L.

I file my nails short because I just can't work with them long. But I don't file them properly! I also pull my hangnails off. Not to the extent of Natalie Pittman in Black swan... but as an esthetician, ashamed of the appearance of my nails. lol.

Feb 19, 2013

Kathryn L.

Portman.* f you auto correct.

Feb 19, 2013

Rafaela E.

I use makeup everyday and my face needs breaks from it

Feb 19, 2013

Chantel C.

Sleeping with foundation on D;