Artistic ladies please help!


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Jan 15, 2014

Sabrina Q.

So I just started my spring semester of college and I'm taking an art class. The problem is I've never had an art class before or any drawing skills I pretty much suck and don't know how to draw anything. I've had my art class twice this week and honestly I'm intimidated by the other students because they have done stuff like this before and I haven't. today we had to draw some things and it was hard for be and my work was nowhere as good as everyone else's it was horrible. Plus we have to put some of out work in art shows😫Ok well anyway down to the point Is there anyone who can give me some advice tips/tricks. This is a college class for a grade and I don't want to fail it.

Jan 15, 2014

Nicolet K.

Take some art classes outside of college to learn or start out learning to draw simple stuff then move on to the complex stuff. Idk if this helped becoz I'm born with that talent but I really hope it helped.

Jan 15, 2014

Jenna B.

Practice drawing different types of things at home. Also watch video's on YouTube for tips.

Jan 15, 2014

Shushoni C.

Just start trying. if you don't try, you won't figure out what you CAN do. practice, doodle every chance you get. START somewhere. look at something, try to copy drawing it. watch other people who draw to see how they use their pencils. ask for technique's. Don't stop yourself from starting because you don't know how! we all start somewhere or are naturals.. doesn't mean you are not artistic. you have not begun.
most people don't know they have talent because they haven't tried yet. Some art is easier than it looks.

as I don't know what you will be doing in your class - drawing, painting, clay etc.. start thinking and practicing what you will be working with.

never mind what others can do, what CAN you do? I bet you will learn you can do more than you thought. apply yourself!!

growth as you learn will count towards a mark.. but sitting back and saying you "can't" will earn you nothing..

Jan 15, 2014

Shelley W.

I took an art class in college...ceramics. I can't draw to safe my life and learned I can't make a candle maker either. But what my instructor made very clear at the beginning is for us to have fun and not worry about being Michaelangelo. Art instructors are subjective when it comes to least that's been my experience. Mine graded me for effort and creativity. I ended up with an A. Don't sweat it beautiful. Just have fun.

Jan 15, 2014

Taylor G.

Is it a gen ed class? They're usually more lenient.

Jan 15, 2014

Olivia G.

I've taught myself to draw and I recommend looking up basic pencil techniques such as hatching, cross hatching, stippling, or scumbling. Also, graphite pencils which you can get at michaels or hobby lobby and I recommend them in HB, 4B and 8B. A blending stump is very cheap and helps create dimension and tones, if you have any other questions I'll help :)

Jan 15, 2014

Shelley W.

This piece of creativity along with a research paper earned me an A in my ceramics class. It was not easy but it worth it in the end. I learned so much about myself during this class. :)

Jan 15, 2014

Olivia G.

Another I'm working on

Jan 15, 2014

Shelley W.

Olivia...I love your work. Especially the owl.

Jan 15, 2014

Caitlin M.

I took classes in both high school and college, at actual school and then I also did classes outside of school. I learned by basically just trying to draw what I saw and copy it the best I could. Sometimes it helps when you turn your reference photo and paper upside down too. I also agree with those that have mentioned getting drawing pencils and looking up stuff on YouTube. But mostly you just have to keep trying and draw constantly, just doodle any little thing. I know that if I don't draw for a while I get rusty versus periods of my life where I would at the very least doodle often. Reference photos help a lot too, drawing from your head can be very hard if you're trying to draw something specific that is supposed to have a distinct look. Obviously drawing abstract things and creating your own art you won't need that for. It also helps to look at what you're drawing and break it down into the most basic shapes that you can. If you have to pick an object each day and just draw it over and over until you're happy with one of the results. It's just a matter of doing it enough :) oh and for faces or portraits, the grid method helps so much. You place a numbered grid over a picture and then draw into each little square on your drawing paper. Some may think that's "cheating" but I think its truly the most accurate way to draw someone and have it look like them. It really helps with the placement of facial features, etc. Afterwards you can just trace the image onto another piece of paper and paint it or shade it however you want. It will be your own work just transferred. I did a portrait when I was taking my art classes outside of school and I used a grid to draw it before painting it and to this day I still think its my best painting and the one I'm most proud of. Shelley also makes a great point, most art teachers will grade you on your personal ability. As long as you're making an effort and trying I'm sure you'll do fine. If they aren't busy you could also seek out some one on one from them and they can maybe give you some good tips.

Jan 15, 2014

Sam J.

Go on YouTube!!

Jan 15, 2014

Kira S.

I would say, practice your shading! That can make a world of difference in how your drawing looks. Good luck. love! :)

Jan 15, 2014

Kenzie L.

Caitlin I totally do the grid method :) Leonardo The Vinci used the technique as well. Sabrina art is one of those things where you have to find your niche. I always felt like everyone's art was "superior" to mine because it looked more real or whatever but you will learn that realism is only one tiny subject in the vastness of the art world. when I discovered charcoal it was life changing for me. I found a medium that I love to work with and its inspired me to get better at other mediums like paint.

Jan 15, 2014

Kenzie L.

Here's a zentangle I made.

Jan 15, 2014

Alma M.

Great advice ladies! Olivia that owl pic is beautiful,I want it lol.

Jan 15, 2014

Alma M.

Kenzie great art work too!

Jan 15, 2014

Alma M.

Shelley that's very nice.

Jan 15, 2014

Nichole W.

Drawing comes naturally for me, but I have learned a lot of tips from just doing it. What everyone is going to tell you is to practice! I got SO much better at drawing just by doing it. I love art so it was fun for me, but once you get good, it will be so much more enjoyable! The second tip is to pay attention to detail! Detail seriously makes a HUGE difference! Even the smallest detail like freckles on a persons face. Also shading makes a drawing very realistic. One of my friends said a drawing of a flower I did looks like you could reach over and touch it. This was because of the shading. I'll post some of my artwork as an example.

Jan 15, 2014

Kenzie L.

thanks alma :)

Jan 15, 2014

Nichole W.

This is a hummingbird I drew:

Jan 15, 2014

Olivia G.

@shelley thank you! I'm still working on it.

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

@sabrina, first take you time, practice the basics like shapes draw shapes by them selfs start to add shadows make the 3d etc. remember that everything is made out of shapes so learning to draw them will help.

Jan 16, 2014

Lalala A.

I'm probably not going to be very good at giving tips, because drawing comes naturally to me, but with practice and following the tips others gave you ought to be good. Here's a piece I drew

Jan 16, 2014

Mary T.

This book is amazeballs! It can teach you. I'm more of a painter but I'm going art school Sunday! So excited! Here's a link to the book. It's super cheap and worth it!!