Hooded Eye Girls


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Jan 15, 2014

Jennifer Kemp M.

I have hooded eyes. I try to comes to terms with it and embrace it. most days I figure why bother putting an actual non neutral color on my "crease" nobody is going to see it. so many pretty colors out there but I figure why bother.

Jan 15, 2014

Kelly H.

I have hooded eyelids, just put it above your natural crease line, it will create the illusion that your crease is higher.

Jan 15, 2014

Gypsy S.

I completely agree with Kelly💜 I have hooded eyes also and it works like a charm every time☺

Jan 15, 2014

Jennifer Kemp M.

I have done that :/. but its literally almost to my brow.

Jan 15, 2014

Lolita B.

You're not alone Jennifer. Welcome to the club :) Could you take a picture of what it looks like? Maybe we can all put our heads together and come up with something that works for you.

Jan 16, 2014

Lori C.

I'm in the hood club too, I feel your pain.

Jan 16, 2014

Lolita B.

Hey, we should make t shirts lol.

Jan 16, 2014

Landrey S.

I usually take color above my crease. If you have less space there, build out with colored liners, shadows,mascaras around your eyes

Jan 16, 2014

Lori C.

Lolita, lol! Girls in the hood.

Jan 16, 2014

Alma M.

^Lol!! That was good Lori.

Jan 16, 2014

Lolita B.


Jan 17, 2014

Mary T.

I'm in the hood club! Y'all aren't alone.

Jan 19, 2014

Jennifer Kemp M.

ROFL the girls in the hood. love that!