Breakout!! Help please!:(


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Jan 15, 2014

Sonia B.

Ok so my skin was looking pretty great, and last week I woke up with a spot on my chin, it wasnt that bad and eventually scabbed over, I think I must have scratched it off on accident because I woke up and it was massive! the breakout has spread across my chin and made it red and its horrible! I've even got one on my cheek now! :( any suggestions of how to get rid of it? much apreciated! :(

Jan 15, 2014

Eloise W.

Well try with some masks. You can find them on the internet.

Jan 15, 2014

Victoria S.

Try going to see your doctor, they can prescribe an anti inflammatory cream that will get rid of redness and bumps and any possible infection. Other than that keep your face clean, don't touch it (it spreads dirt), use natural cleaners and try tea tree oil or witch hazel, they dry out spots and minimize redness :)

Jan 15, 2014

Sonia B.

Thankyou! I will try these!:)

Jan 15, 2014

Holly L.

Put honey on it to get rid of the redness leave it on for as long as possible!! It usually takes mine 1hr/2hr to work hope this helps :)

Jan 15, 2014

Sonia B.

thanks so much!:)

Jan 15, 2014

Sonia B.

What kind of honey?:)

Jan 15, 2014

Mariam M.

Oh sweety.. the best thing is to see a doctor and stop washing your face with whatever you are used washing it with.

For honey.. I think any honey it works. It does not matter.
Best Wishes

Jan 15, 2014

Liz S.

Clean and clear on the spot treatment - it's only $5-$7.

Jan 16, 2014

Olivia K.

I love baby shampoo

Feb 15, 2014

Sonia B.

Thanks guys; its all clear now! no spots anymore:)

Jul 7, 2014

Mariam M.

Thank God. Maybe they just appeared as a responce to stress.😘😘