Jaqueline an alma how do you know?


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Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Jaqueline, alma you great beautiful makeup artist, I have a question for you 2, well I love makeup, I love learning about it, the tequeniques, the new products the better products, things that work thinks that you can make work well basically everything about makeup but I don't know if I would like to pursue makeup as a career? How do you know if thats the right path for you? If you doubting urself means already means no? How did you beautiful ladies find out that it was what you wanted to be? Is it hard to get clients? Is there a lot of competition? I'm sorry for the questions, its just that I have always wanted to be a counsellor for youth at risk kids coming from that background I know how hard it is and would like to help, if not that a councelor for inmates but thing is that there's no jobs and takes way to much time and the first thing I think of is my son I can't have him wait 6 plus years for me to get a career and I also don't want to put his life at risk, this was my dream job when I didnt have my son so I was thinking that makeup could be alternative but I'm not sure if its the right thing for me, again how do you know?

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Thanks jaqueline you made me cry in a good way honestly all I have done in my pregnancy and since my son was born has been all for him and revolved around him my life is strictly dedicated to him he's my everything and if for some reason it dosent work oit between me and his father later on I want to be able to support him, I have left my life behind because of him not in a bad way in a good way and being truly truly honest with you jaqueline You and made my love for makeup and created the love a passion I have for it because you have always answered my questions and helped me out I didnt know nothing and still wouldnt know anything if it want for you, too me jaqueline you are my kevyn aucoin and I'm truly truly great full for everything you have done for me thank you so much.

Jan 16, 2014

Artistic B.

This thread is amazing and has touched me. Jaqueline lost for words. Simply breathtaking with your response. And Lili your amazing and never give up on your dreams. I have faith in you and I'm with you, I'm over here with my eyes all watery.

Jan 16, 2014

Alma M.

Hello Lili,
For myself it was something I've just always known since I was a kid,I use to watch music videos and movies just staring and look at all the different makeup applications thinking they all looked like fun characters Prince,Boy George,Madonna,Cher, the list goes on everyone had a different face and look that would just capture me and then ( The Makeup explore began) as a pre teen and teens I was Obsessed with Super Models and the fact that they're just like us but were transform into Beautiful Beast, but who did this? why? and how? would just be questions in my head and I wanted to recreate the looks or just try to some how get this magic down.I would beg my mother to buy me vogue magazines and other fashion magazines and I would read at the bottom right who was the artist behind these transformations(the Fascination over came me) and just went for it.I would have my friends over and ask them if I could try to give them makeovers and then when school dances would come around I would offer to help them with their makeup.I also watched Tod Oldham and Cindy Crawford on Mtv House of style that was the best for me as a kid trying to understand it all.I was also inspired by Kevyn Aucoin his transformations were nothing that I've ever seen before,makeup illusion was amazing.He made me feel that My own some what warped vision on Makeup was OK and as soon as his book came out I ran out and bought it.Til this day I still have my Books many Moons later Lol! I just feel that foundation runs through my veins it's who I am and what I know I Love to do.I believe if you feel it in your soul it's meant to be.It's ok to discover you and it's ok to have doubt's and second guess our next move we all have those feelings and we sometimes can hold ourselves back because of fear into the unknown, but you have to keep pushing forward.This world of Makeup is what I like to call The Cut Throat island everything gets overwhelming but the payoff is wonderful if you can just believe in yourself.I think you can do it Lili don't be scared to start like Jackie mentioned do it on the side and work your way up.I'm a mother and have a 9 year old son with mild autism he is my World,I myself had to slow things down to help my son on his journey and just did not have the time for travel when he was younger.I still however did what I love to do around my area but now that things are looking up even more I plan on coming back in full force! lol.I encourage you to follow your dream, no matter what you choose your drive will lead you to your success Lili. :) 

Jan 16, 2014

Alma M.

Lizeth Hate is a strong word why would you have such an extreme feeling over a question?

Jan 16, 2014

Kitty K.

Lizeth, if you feel you can contribute to the thread then why not post it?
She is asking for Jacqueline and Alma because they are the two most known professional MUA on here and her question is aimed for those who chose Makeup artistry as a career.

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Alma I admire you a child with autism is hard work my step brother is autistic and so if my friends son and I cry seeing them cuz they struggle so so hard to communicate they want something but can say I admire what my friend does for her son it is truly incredible she has 2 other sons to me honestly shes supper woman... I get discourage at maybe pursuing makeup because I wasnt born with that love, I love it now but havent thought about it all my life and thats where I start thinking is it really for me, I'm scared to ge the wrong path because my son doesn't have time to wait for me thank you alma for everything you made me cry your words are inspiring and that last part suck to my head your drive will lead you to your success and your right and your right I just got to experiment like you ladies said I love you both and thank you I couldnt be happier to have meet you 2.

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

@lizeth if you hate it so much what are you doing opening this thread? Lol I hate when people start whining and complaining about things that have nothing to do with them save your anger and time and look at other post thats don't ask for them gracias

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

@ mairead I just feel like it takes less time then counseling

Jan 16, 2014

Magaly E.

And that's why most negative people don't get much out of life they're to busy worrying about everything else.. If you wanna be considered a great MUA just like them instead of being rude go do something to make a difference.. Anyway both stories are very inspiring I have a sister with hydrocephalus and I admire my mother or any other woman who go through it like a superhero :)

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Thats right jaqueline... Its ridiculous how some people think this website is all about them, dam get with the program an get back to earth lol.

Jan 16, 2014

Kitty K.


Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

@magaley do you mind explaining what hydrocephalus is? I'm sorry I have never heard of it

Jan 16, 2014

Delaney K.

I have always been obsessed with makeup and how it truly is an art and you can transform someones face to look different and I work with makeup every day and when I come home I sit on all these different beauty websites and I have thought about being a makeup artist for a while now and out of everything I have thought of that is the only thing that has stuck that I could see myself doing and after reading this thread I can relate so much with that first paragraph jackie wrote and I now know forsure that is what I want to do. thank you and good luck lili!

Jan 16, 2014

Alma M.

This is a fact there will always be a DEB (Debbie Downer) it's comical and makes me feel like a Champ! lol anywho The most important thing to me is that all must know that all contribute to so many here on BL and just be prepared with your shields like 300 and Sparta KICK the lack of DOWN!! Beware of DEB!

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Thanks delaney I'm glad this helped someone else besides me 😃

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Lmao alma

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

I forgot to thank artistic b sorry lol but thanks for your kind words and I will try my hardest to not give up 😃

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Lol, keeping calm is hard to do lol.

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Your so sweet jaqueline thanking everyone another of your great qualities

Jan 16, 2014

Alma M.

Her comment was Exactly a true example about what I meant when I said this is Cut throat Island industry lol wow..Lili and the rest of the Beauties just keep going and follow your dream because each holds a true talent no matter what.

Jan 16, 2014

Alma M.

Lili and if ever you feel like you want to talk feel free to email me :)

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

It shouldnt be that way alma but sadly it is... I would love to e-mail you, can I have your e-mail address? If you don't want to post it you can e-mail me so I can have your email address, its liliruizlili@gmail.com.

Jan 16, 2014

Magaly E.

@lili: my sister was born with water in her head.. The water wouldn't flow throughout her body.. She had surgery to allow the water to flow she has like a tube in her head if she were to hit it really hard she could die ;( but if she didn't get that surgery her head would grow extremely big over time because of the water and she would of died as a toddler.. It's really hard to explain into details through here but that's basically what it is.

Jan 16, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Jaqueline you made me cry, I raised my self since I was young and to hear some one like you say I will be with you every step of the way to make something of my self means so so so much to me, I have never had someone ever ever tell me that, or ever be with me ever step of the way it means a lot to me jaqueline that someone that doesn't know me or anything will say that to me, you just gave me more motivation thank you very very much.