Can someone please answer me?


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Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

I'm so desperate.

Jan 3, 2014

Liz S.

Getting in shape takes dedication and hard work. If you really want it you'll achieve it. Eat less junk food, its worth the sacrifice love! & keep going to the gym, once you see results you'll only get more motivated. Go hard at the gym. My boyfriend is a trainer and he always says "Don't cheat your diet or workouts, bc at the end you're only cheating yourself". Running is a great way to loose weight. Good luck beautiful! (:

Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you ladies so much it's just very hard for me because right now I have to get food from a food pantry :/ and get help paying rent I got fired from my job and my husband just started a new job and for the past couple months we have been relying on bad food because it's cheaper to make a meal out of but I have to change because I don't want my son developing bad eating habits as I did and I can't get to a gym from no funds and no car so I would have to do workouts at home with no equipment my life has become very complicated and I must admit I have been relying on processed foods because they were cheaper to make meals out of but if I continue to hold off on this I'll only get bigger and farther away from where I want to be and one good plus I hate bread and I'm not too much of a pasta girl the only pasta I like is Mac n cheese :) but my husband is thin with a very high matabolizm (I butchered that) lol but he hates seeing me cry over my body so he will also change but I don't know where to start coming from junk food and soda everyday to healthy I heard I'm addicted to the soda? And I wish you girls could just come to my house and do a whole food renovation lol

Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

Is this a good healthy snack? I buy them for my son cause he loves them but are they healthy cause I like these too.

Jan 3, 2014

Liz S.

Maybe just go for morning runs around your neighborhood or go to a park. or maybe even get a dvd to work out at home. Theyre pretty cheap at walmart. Also try weights or heavy things at home you could use as weights for squats. I can tell how much you want it so I'm sure you'll achieve it. Just stay active and positive.

Jan 3, 2014

Brittany B.

Brianna I think it's awesome that you want to start eating healthier, and I totally understand how hard it is especially when your on a budget. It straight up sucks:/ but I want to be there for you to cheer you up whenever you're feeling low, or for anything else :) I believe in you gorgeous :)

Jan 3, 2014

Liz S.

& yes those are good for you :)

Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you guys so much here is a recap of my kitchen and what food goes on here and I just don't know where to start from well this :(

Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

And another grand thing that has happend to add on the pounds New Year's Eve I found out my husband cheated on me for a lot prettier and a very thin girl so I have turned for the worst and started gorging but I did forgive him because I believe god can not forgive you if you can't forgive others but once it happens again it no longer becomes a mistake it becomes a choice and he is very aware that he is a lucky man to even have a second chance but I can't help picturing her face and then what he did I just feel like a complete mess I usually don't break out that much but I am breaking out bad and just I just need to change for the better I can't hate life so instead I'm changing it.

Jan 3, 2014

Abby D.

I was always unhappy and overweight as a child but using the MyFitnessPal app helped me to lose 20 lbs last year.
before I lost weight though, I had to learn to love my body unconditionally. whether I dropped weight or gained muscle or stayed the same I accepted that this is my body and my only body and I have to love it or be unhappy my entire life.
fat =/= sloppy, lazy, or ugly. remember that.
I'm still a very curvy 135 and I love it lol.

Jan 3, 2014

Abby D.

But learning how many calories you need to eat a day to lose, maintain, or gain weight based on your height, current weight, age, and lifestyle really helps along with the calories of regular foods you eat which MyFitnessPal tells you. It's a big help!

Jan 3, 2014

Erin G.

Brianna I totally understand! I'm on a budget as well and if food is cheap, it's usually horrible for you! Fruit is usually the best I can find for snacks at a reasonable price. Not that it's my place, but if your husband is truly sorry, that's one thing. But please don't let your self esteem be crushed because of are gorgeous and deserve to feel like that all the time! You'll obsess for a while but you will get through this and be stronger because of it! Whether or not your husband gets to go along with you as you better your life is up to you. But YOU can do it!

Jan 3, 2014

Cami F.

I promise this works! For Lent I gave up all drinks but water and then allowed myself no bread, rice, cake, basically all wheat and I lost much more weight than I could even imagine in 40 days! Just drink loads of water, do 30 mins of cardio 4 times a week, maybe some squats/lunges and you will see results!

Jan 3, 2014

Anna S.

Brianna, best of luck! I don't have too much to add, I guess I'd say, frozen fruit and berries are really just as healthy as fresh, as long as the berries are the only ingredient (no added sugar) and they're much cheaper. You could start your day with a smoothie, just some frozen berries blended with a banana and some milk, almond milk, or water. Cheap, tasty, healthy, and easy to switch up every day. Also, I think the nutrigrain bars are too high in sugar (that's what makes that fruity jam filling so tasty!) to be really considered healthy. But, they're healthier than a pop tart, you know? It's all relative. As far as your soda addiction... I think soda is one of the worst things for your body, I'm sure you've heard how bad it is. I would suggest just buying club soda and adding fruit/berry/citrus slices to it for a light healthy flavor. It won't be the same and it'll take a while to stop craving the regular sodas but it might help ease you off.

I am so sorry about your husband's infidelity. I don't know if I could forgive that, you're a better person than I am. Lots of love, you can always message me if you wanna talk.

Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you all for your help and even though it hurts I still love him and how long would I see results by just cutting soda out because I definitely know soda really can blow you up Nd I heard just by cutting it out you can loose like 5 lbs in a few weeks by just drinking water and damn why do I have to be so picky and things that claim to be healthy aren't ugh the only veggies I like are broccoli corn green beans (from a can) and raw carrots ugh and for fruit I love grapes watermelon, apples and oranges on occasion and sometimes bananas I have to be in the mood to eat a banana but I know that I want this so bad I will eat more of them I just need to buy them instead of chips and snacks and I hate seafood other than crabs and sometimes tuna fish oh I love Caesar salad and celery can I eat lite ranch? I like grilled chicken baked chicken turkey bacon and pork chops steak BBQ chicken and pulled BBQ pork are those healthier? I'm trying to give you ideas on food I like cause that's about all the healthy stuff I like or that I've tried

Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

Oh and I loveeee nuts, walnuts peanuts, pistachios almonds peacans basically any but plain no salt no flavor so that's also good right?

Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

I have these water enhacers.

Jan 3, 2014

Alyssa M.

All I know is that grapefruit is really good for you shah and myfitnesspal helped me lose 20 pounds. Cut out soda from your diet and sweets. Protein, veggies and fruits and water. Energy bars like Luna bars and stuff like that are yummy and good for you. Excercise at least 30 minutes 4 times a week and nuts are good for you as well! I hope I helped at all!

Jan 3, 2014

Destiny R.

@Brianna after you get in shape, your husband is going to be like, "Damn, what was I doing wasting my time with that bag of bones if I have a beautiful, curvy, happy wife right here?" So glad you have the motivation to eat healthier! A cheap semi workout you can do is just to dance around your house. You can use water bottles or tv remotes as weights! Best of Luck for 2014!

Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you ladies I will do that I am also going to make cleaning a part of my workout because I can sweat a lot when I clean and I am not that active at all and I tried a workout app called power of 20 and the first 5 mins I quit because it was soo difficult on my body and I could barely move the next week so is there any workouts that won't hurt me as much? Like I could barely sit down and get up like it hurt that bad to lower myself and I will use water bottles because I always have them and when I do get money I will look into buying ankle weights and I really want a tread climber and thank you everyone you are all soo very helpful and I will post more about my journey or if I get discouraged and stuff but right now I just need all the advice I can get and motivation.

Jan 3, 2014

Melissa M.

Go on to youtube and search fitness blender and look for the one that says cardio fat burning or something like that honestly its really good any you will drop up to 5 to 12 pounds in 8 weeks thats without a diet now if you add a diet you will see results even better.

Jan 3, 2014

Brianna M.

Thank you I will definitely do that

Jan 11, 2014

Anna S.

Hey sorry I know this is old but my beautylish app hasn't been working. How is it coming along?

I don't know how long it would take you to see results by cutting out soda, since everybody is different and your overall weight and amount of body fat depends on so many variables. Just know that it's one of the healthiest steps you can take, and keep building on it. I really never liked water additives and I think artificial sweeteners are poison for your body. The reason they are "0 calorie" is because our bodies reject them! But I understand that some people need help with drinking more water and this is a way to do that.

I'm sure you like more veggies than what you have listed, you just should try preparing them in different ways. I grew up thinking I hate Brussels sprouts and most leafy greens. In reality, I just didn't like how my mom prepared them. It left them bitter. I started playing around with different preparation techniques and now I love these! Canned veggies can be high in sodium and preservatives so I'd suggest fresh or frozen over canned.

Honestly, you can eat a lot of different things in moderation... Including some ranch dressing. But if possible, try to make your own. It really isn't hard and doesn't take much time. Nuts are great snacks, so eat a handful when you're hungry. Try to go for the unsalted ones. As far as meat, red meat is the least healthy for you. But again, can be eaten in moderation. Try to get lean cuts. BBQ is usually not a great healthy option because it contains so much sugar and salt. Again, once in a while it's fine. Treat yourself to these less healthy things you love, just don't make them the norm. I hope I don't sound preachy but food is a big deal to me and I struggle with eating healthfully myself, so I'm always reading up on this stuff. Also, my undergrad major was biology, so I'm pretty interested in nutrition. It's not easy though! But once you start establishing healthier habits, one by one, it will become easier.

Jan 11, 2014

Anna S.

The first steps are the hardest.