In need of a good hair mask.


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Jan 2, 2014

Claire M.

Hello, I have fine hair and split ends and I've tried a few different hair masks.
Any advice on what's a good hair mask out there?
Thanks :-)

Jan 2, 2014

Maybelle R.

Best hair mask is not a store product...crack some eggs open and whisk them up. Apply on your hair and wash out after 10 minutes. Perfect and healthy hair.

Jan 2, 2014

Claire M.

Thanks Maybelle! I'll give that a try.

Jan 2, 2014

Audra B.

Honey is a great conditioner and moisturizer, coconut oil or olive oil adds softness and shine and a mashed banana repairs and adds fullness. eggs are good too for volume and softness.

Jan 2, 2014

Princess D.

I have fine hair as well. Always had a problem with split ends until I started using the Redken extreme line. I use their shampoo, conditioner and deep conditioner twice a week. I also use their anti-snap serum every time after the shower on wet hair. It's not a miracle worker and I still get some breakage... But not anywhere close to what I used to.

Jan 2, 2014

Annmarie K.

There are great products out there to "nurse" hair back into shape. Can you tell me if the damage is by chemical or mechanical means? In adfition to a hair masque you'll also need a heat protectant and good shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. Do you have a price range you'd like to stay in? Would love to recommend products!

Jan 2, 2014

Danny C.

Organix macadamia deep conditioner is great. makes it soft without weighing it down

Jan 2, 2014

Maybelle R.

Princess D. the egg solution I gave would work on your hair perfectly

Jan 2, 2014

Claire M.

Thanks ppl for your advice!!
Annmarie - I'd say both chemical and mechanical damage. Price range 50$ max.. And thank :-D

Jan 2, 2014

Selam G.

I usually make mine at home. its cheaper and it works better because its organic.
so what I do is I put one spoon of honey one spoon of olive oil (or two depending on how long your hait is ) and to finish it of an egg mix the three up togther and let it stay in your hair for a while then wash it. the more you do it the more diffrence you will see.
hope this helped =)

Jan 2, 2014

Claire M.

Thanks Selam!

Jan 3, 2014

Rabiya A.

I'm using Macadamia Hair masque and it is brilliant... When I want more intense results I leave it on overnight x

Jan 3, 2014

Vivienne T.

The pro naturals argan oil hair mask! I use it once a week.

Jan 3, 2014

Claire M.

Thanks for the tips ;-)