Help Need Clear Skin! Fast!


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Jan 2, 2014

Me M.

I am tired of my face gross looking with pimples everywhere...and I do not want this year to be ruin because of my face...what should I do to make it clear n nice? thank yu:)

Jan 2, 2014

Kiyomi K.

Use Benzoil Peroxide!! It works wonders for your nasty pimples ;) I use it in the shower as a mask and then rinse it off right before I get out of the shower. I do this every night. The Benzoil peroxide helps because it dries out your pimples ;) If that doesn't work then ask your Dermatalogist.!

Jan 2, 2014

Mariana E.

Acne happens for different reasons. Diet, stress, hormones... Until you find out what's causing yours, it's hard to tell you what to do. Just to give you an example, you can try drinking up to 2-3 liters of water a day, go easy on dairy products, don't scrub your face, if you are doing it, don't wash your face with strong drying products. Don't try to pop them if they're not ready and apply honey masks on your face every other day. Good luck with that. Acne sucks so hard! I'm with you there.

Jan 2, 2014

Preeti P.

If you keep getting pimples irrespective of your facial routine and they are sore and red with puss, it's probably hormonal and you must go to a gynic, else try some natural, home made remedies according to your skin tone?

Jan 2, 2014

Shelley W.

Only use the dermo as a last resort because taking a bunch of pills and prescription meds comes with their own side-effects. Mariana offered the best pointers in regards to your situation. There is no true overnight cure to heal your skin so whatever route you decide to take you must be patient as it takes anywhere from 3-6 months to see visible results. Definitely check into reducing your dairy intake and sugar consumption. I for one kicked dairy to the curb and severely limited my sugar intake and my skin did a complete turnaround.

Jan 2, 2014

rosemily d.

I've been using cetaphil and my face has surprisingly cleared up. I guess its because this face wash is not so harsh. also, make sure you are removing your makeup completely every night and drink plenty of water and keep your pillowcase clean :)

Cleanse with a cleanser for acne at night use a facial scrub 2-3 a week, use a oil free moisturizer and SPF in the morning use a more hydrating cleanser. Also a spot treatment when needed. Wash your pillow cases every 2-3 days too. Makeup to take off all your makeup before you go to bed

Please don't pick at the breakouts it can lead to scarring and pigmentation. See your derm and get facials as well

Jan 2, 2014

Mackenzi B.

I use an expoliator scrub by st. Yves and that really helps keep my face clean. But I find that putting lotion on my face after really gets the job done. Try neutrgena

Jan 2, 2014

Nadine B.

Get the dermalogica clear start starter kit, you get face wash, toner, day&night treatment& moisturiser, it helped me clear my skin and it's the best thing I've used yet!

Jan 2, 2014

Maybelle R.

I know that gross feeling because I have it too...I don't like to use store products on my face as they tend to have reactions. I suggest the best thing for you will be to apply some coconut oil on your face atleast 30 minutes before you take a bath. Then after washing it off your skin will feel smoother and cleaner.

To get rid of acne, benzoyl peroxide is your best bet. It is by far the most researched and best working ingredient for fighting acne and getting rid of pimples, it works by drying them out and killing the bacteria.
Find a cleanser and toner with benzoyl peroxide in it, and use it twice a day. This will help you keep your skin free of bacteria to prevent acne while working to fight it aswell. It will dry out your skin though so make sure you find a good oil free moisturizer to replenish your skins nutrients and avoid excess oil production, which may clog your pores and counteract the acne fighting agents you're using.
Tea tree oil is an absolutely amazing acne fighter, and I love using it as a spot treatment. I suggest getting an actual tea tree oil spot treatment as apposed to just using the oil because it has other ingredients which will help it be more effective. I love grease lightning by the body shop! Using this after your toner and before your moisturizer is great to speed up the process in getting rid of acne.
You can also be sure to keep your hair out of your face and keep it clean, the grease from your hair can sometimes clog your pores.
Make sure you're using oil free makeup, or even better mineral powder only, and clean your brushes in between uses.
Basically just keep everything clean!
I would also suggest trying RED LIGHT, if you'd like more info on it.

Jan 2, 2014

Gabby L.

Proactive or derm