Acne Wash Help!!


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Jan 1, 2014

Grace H.

So I have acne and its not as bad as it used to be but most of it is scares from past acne. I have tried many facewashes and they seem to work at first but then I almost become "immune" to them after a while. and I just am really tired of my acne so does anyone have any ideas for a facwash?

Jan 1, 2014

Eloise W.

I have same problem. I don't have acne, I mean, they appear sometimes like with every other girl with normal skin. Just there is a problem because my skin is sensitive and whenever acne appears after it there is a scare. So I went to dermatologist ( I advice you to do same) and she said that it is ok. There are some treatmants for acne scares, I will do one of them, and if they are useless you can try with laser. But it is not good for sensitive skin. Here are cremes which I use. If you want to avoid scares, first you must avoid acne, and try to get rid of tham so that they don't appear. So you must moistroize your skin. So get a moistroizer. And put it on your face twice. In the morning and at 3 o'clock for example. Than ( for this you need dermatologist) try to find creme that will make your scars disappear. And exfoliate your skin. I use Noreva's product Exfoliatic. I hope this helps.