Is there any YouTube partners on here?


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Jan 18, 2014

Brianna M.

Yes I consider this beauty because I have a question about YouTube and being a partner beauty guru, is it a good idea to try to start so I can get a side job now and maybe later go full time with YouTube? Also could it support me and my family comfortablely?

Jan 18, 2014

Sapphire K.

Idk wages, but you tubers always seem to be doing okay full time. I'd wait until you're confident in your views to go full time, and for sure allude to helping the popular gurus. You help them, they notice you, more followers. Hope that kinda helped?

Jan 18, 2014

Brianna M.

Ok thank you! How could I help them? And I don't think I will go full time until I have very high views and even if I do get monatized and a partnership I will keep my side job just until I make enough to quit my job if that makes sense.

Jan 18, 2014

Lexi K.

My YouTube account was monetized back in 2011, it was actually offered to me, funny thing is, I only have one video. I know people who have been trying for years to get into the partner program. Anyway, I wouldn't depend on YouTube as a full time job. You don't need to make videos everyday, do them once or twice a week and continue to focus on regular full time job. The people that make it their full time job have millions of subscribers, make over 100k, and get sponsored. YouTube is not a guaranteed career, you could blow up and die out very quickly. Your reputation is everything (guru gossip). You have to ask yourself if you can live with the fame and criticism. You'll start out slow, and get paid monthly. I forgot how much each ad click is, but I can check my account, I think it was 15 cents a click.

Jan 18, 2014

Brianna M.

Oh ok thank you so much I already know I want to make videos so why not get paid for it and YouTube is a big dream of mine if I can become like popular on there I will know I reached my dream.