What is this stuff?


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Jan 19, 2014

Nicole B.

I was wondering what this stuff was? I know it says exfoliant on the bottom, but when I got some I noticed it doesn't have the little beads like most exfoliants have. Maybe it's a different kind, but I was just wondering what were the purposes of this was.

Jan 19, 2014

Lily C.

Well two things:
1: could have been made without beads for a more gentle exfoliate! Sometime actually having beads doesn't help your skin, it could actually damage it! (my skin has scratches cause of my beads in my exfoliater)
2: this is a more natural exfoliater

Jan 19, 2014

Lily C.

Is it a exfoliater peel? Like in korea I think some of them are like that. how you rub it on, leave it,then exfoliate it off and use water to rinse your face?

Jan 19, 2014

Nicole B.

@Lily I honestly have no idea! I haven't used it yet because I didn't know what it was and I didn't know how to use it

Jan 19, 2014

Lily C.

@nicole I think looking for reviews and descriptions on the product online might help!

Jan 19, 2014

Kitty K.

Keep in mind that exfoliants don't have to be physical. AHA, BHA, Salicylic acids are all exfoliants. You don't need to physically exfoliate to actually exfoliate. There are two types of exfoliants, physical and chemical. Both remove dead cells from the uppermost layer of the skin. Chemical exfoliants are more harsh so don't use them too frequently.

Jan 19, 2014

Kitty K.

And it's an at home chemical peel.