Questions of the day 2 😋


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Jan 19, 2014

Kitty K.

After being on BL for awhile, how has it changed you?

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.

It's made me much more knowledgeable, and encouraged me to research products, beauty trends, tips/"does this really work" information. It's also helped my patience. I've realized that there will always be annoying people, repetitive threads, and that I just don't need to look at them or say a word.

Jan 19, 2014

Pixiee H.

I realized I like giving my opinion to people about hair color and outfits.

Jan 19, 2014

Nala H.

It's changed my view on makeup. Lol I wear even less than I did before.

Jan 19, 2014

Symone B.

I know I've only been here 6 months, but it has changed me for the better. It made my passion for beauty even stronger and want to continue to pursue being a beauty guru. It also made me more knowledgable and more open. I love all the support I've gotten from BL. I don't really have friends but now I have a family ❤️

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.

Symone, not to be nosy, but what do you mean you don't have friends? :( the entire thought of that just makes me sad. I'll be your friend! :)

Jan 19, 2014

Symone B.

I have one friend. Being a college sophomore instead of being in my traditional high school as a senior, I had to give up my clique of friends(who have been my best friends since pre-k.)

Jan 19, 2014

Symone B.

And yay! Now I have 2 friends and a family ❤️

Jan 19, 2014

ramie x.

I was able to recognize my style and I started to realize that pampering your self doesn't mean your full of your self just means that you respect yourself and care about your body, I've also been able to recognize more tips and tricks on makeup and hair

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.

Oy. That's rough. I know that feeling, I went to the same high school for 12 years, and my junior year I gave up all of my friends in favor of a boyfriend who didn't go there, and the relationship didn't last. I graduated with no friends. It's rough but you'll make new friends :)

Jan 19, 2014

Nala H.

Omg Symone. You're just like me. (Lol except I failed out... I'm going back though) but I started college at 15.

Jan 19, 2014

Janet T.

It made me go out of my comfort zone with my hair and makeup.

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.

Whoa, Nala, that's incredible! Ridiculous amounts of respect for the fact that you started college at 15. That's extremely impressive, how you overcame your obstacles.

Jan 19, 2014

Symone B.

Thanks Hannah. ❤️ And it's good to know Nala that I'm not the only one

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.

Anytime, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to :)

Jan 19, 2014

Nala H.

College was a breeze. But the nursing program killed me lol but I'm going back for interior design. Mad that I wasted those 2 years though.

Jan 19, 2014

Nala H.

Symone if you ever want to talk I'm here too. Cause I know exactly how you feel.

Jan 19, 2014

Kat A.

It's encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone & try different make up looks. I don't think I would ever wear lipstick if I hadn't of came on here. lol. now I know a lot of beauty tricks & plan to be more knowledgeable about what I put on my body/face. Now I know trends & am going to be a lot more fashionable :) also, I hope to make good friends on here that will help me grow! cause I don't have friends anymore lol. not since I had my son. I love beautylish haha.

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.

It's made me a lot more beauty confident. I don't think I would've even tried or have heard of any of the makeup I use now if it wasnt for BL. I've met so many lovely girls on here, and you all arent just friends, your my family:)
I have more knowledge on beauty than I thought I would ever know, which is good as my friends keep asking for makeovers haha:)
I feel that as the BL family, everything that's happened we've come through and we've overcame it. Every single update, even when we lost the Off-topic and health&wellness section, we've overcame. I love all you girls dearly, and I know that even if we lose some on the way, we're all fighters. I love BL:(

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.


Jan 19, 2014

Symone B.

Thanks you guys 💜💕 this is what the Beautylish family is all about

Jan 19, 2014

Ana P.

I feel exactly like Hannah, and I've learned too that girls here are more kind than in other forums or social networks, specifically girls because sometimes we're so competitive but here everyone is so nice!

Jan 19, 2014

Maressa H.

It got me addicted to lipstick!! Lol I never used to wear any and after seeing so many girls wear it on this site, I bought a bunch and wear them everyday

Jan 19, 2014

Mackenzi B.

It's really made me not to fear what people think. I'm not afraid to wear my makeup the way I like it and not how others may prefer. I really love connecting and making friends with everyone.

Jan 19, 2014

Rebecca V.

It made me open to try new looks or products, REALLY helped me understand makeup a bit better, and I've learned new things from all of these beautiful people, and I've actually learned that people on here are so damn sweet:)