Maybe a deep question, but question of the day...


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Jan 18, 2014

Yolande P.


Jan 18, 2014

Mikayla B.

OMG she looks so scary!!

Jan 18, 2014

Brooke R.

Dude..she has some weird ass videos on yotube. So unhealthy looking.

Jan 18, 2014

Delight s.

Now this is getting evil.. she is still a person.

Jan 18, 2014

Ana P.

To me beauty becomes evil when you stop being yourself to start liking other people (like Andy in Devil wears Prada) when you let beauty become your greatest skill (Kim kardashian, so sorry but she's just makeup and expensive clothes) so many people get obsessed with looking good and being trendy that they forget about their inner beauty and their unique skills.

Jan 18, 2014

Lizzy W.

I agree with most of what has been said :) I think the problem is that the media is constantly pushing one standard of beauty down our throats. It becomes evil when it makes women feel like crap about themselves and undermines their true potential. Or when someone DOES 'live up to it' only to become conceited, and start treating other people with no respect because they're not as attractive as you. Evil in beauty is feeling like you're not good enough for anyone, and at the other end of the spectrum, believing you're too good for everyone.

Jan 19, 2014

Delight s.

Wow Lizzy thats true and unfear...I do believe beauty should be and is universal..

Jan 19, 2014

Paige W.

Manufactured beauty is evil.. True beauty (I.e. Kindness of strangers, nature) can never be evil/bad

Jan 19, 2014

Mistreece L.

I don't see the connection, Beauty and Evil are exact opposites. All depends on ones definition I guess.

Jan 19, 2014

Rachel W.

Beauty becomes evil when one uses it to manipulate people to get what they want.

Jan 19, 2014

Janet M.

I disagree much with Mistreece L. Beauty and evil are not opposites at all. The two can be combined and sometimes are.

Jan 19, 2014

Nina M.

So I am new to "Beautylish, and this is my first time posting, but FAITHTRUST... said it right. 100% true. I couldn't have said it any better myslef.

Jan 19, 2014

Lizzy W.

FaithTrust, I appreciate what you said, and agree with a lot of it. I just want to say that if you want to be confident, you should, and it should come from a place of contentment within yourself. You shouldn't rely a guy being impressed by your beauty and telling you how pretty you are. It's dangerous to put your self-worth and confidence in someone else's opinion of you, as well as relying on makeup to make you feel beautiful. And I hope this doesn't sound like an attack on what you said, because I think it's a great, inspiring message, and we need more people who are spreading that kind of encouragement, but this was just my two cents! :)

Jan 19, 2014

Katherine W.

Using beauty to get your way can be an evil in itself. Using beauty to get your way is most often selfish and deceptive.