How To Apply Eyeshadow Prefectly.


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Jan 13, 2014

Me M.

How to apply eyeshadow? because.whenever I do it looks to much and the other time.I did it it look to less so how do I make it perfect? not to less & not to much.

Jan 13, 2014

Julia S.

The key is practice! And if you always want the same size and style use the same brushes. And when you are adding it make sure to not have a bunch of eyeshadow on the brush! Tap off the excess that way it's evenly distributed! Hope this helps

Jan 13, 2014

Kayleigh S.

Having good brushes really help, defiantly consider investing in some brushes if you're really into eyeshadows!

Also use a eyeshadow primer! It keeps it on longer and brightens your eyes.

Do not dive right into dark colours. Build up on it, if you want your brown darker add a little bit more (whatever colour)

Also invest in a blending brush. It makes a big deference when adding darker colours and blending it into a ombré sort of shadow :)

Jan 13, 2014

Clara T.

Practice practice practice! You can get on YouTube and look up different looks you want to try, or every day looks. Seeing someone else do it is much easier than reading what someone says and trying to do it. My two tips would be to start with a small amount and slowly build more on. You can always add but it's hard to take away! And second would be to blend!! Hope this helps and good luck!

Jan 13, 2014

Clara T.

I guess Kayleigh said it already lol😊

Jan 13, 2014

Hannah K.

The one thing I'd suggest if you're worried about too much product is to tap your brush on the edge of your sink before you apply. Aside from that, the other ladies have commented some great advice.

Jan 13, 2014

Mary T.

Use a clean brush for blending and always use base or primer.

Jan 13, 2014

Amy G.

Hey Shelby, I have always loved to do nails and makeup nails more but just love doing makeup still, I was always afraid to do this. I mean I'm only 13. But everyone thinks I should do this. But I need help getting people to look at my stuff. Do you think that you could help?

Jan 13, 2014

Ashley L.

Practice, a good primer to prevent creasing and to show true color, and decent brushes and makeup. I would suggest a flat shader brush, a domed blending brush, smudge brush, and a pointed brush.

Jan 13, 2014

Ashley L.

Excuse me* a pencil brush not a pointed one lol. That's the real name of them.

Jan 13, 2014

Dawn B.

I agree to use a primer and also start with lighter colors and gradually layer on darker colors until you get a depth of color you are happy with. and always remember to blend blend blend :)

Try building the color. Tap the excess off, blend softly.

Jan 13, 2014

Me M.

Thank yu so much:)

Michele S.

Jan 13, 2014

Michele S.

I just have to say I absolutely love seeing guys opinions on here. I think it's amazing!!

Michele S.

Jan 13, 2014

Michele S.

I need to get myself some new brushes.