Motivation to clean up?


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Nov 5, 2012

Carie J.

I know this isn't beauty related but I love the beautylish community and you are all so helpful so I want your suggestions (:
Whenever I go out somewhere I always go digging through my drawers looking for clothes and stuff, making a mess in the process. Well whenever I come home I'm usually tired and dont want to clean up the mess so I just leave it. And little by little, that small mess, has become the biggest mess ever. But I have no motivation to clean it up. Any suggestions?  :3

Nov 5, 2012

Afrida C.

Music! If you like techno then techno music is the best to give some motivation. Honestly.
Just plug your iPod or iPhone in your iHome or Bose system and blast it!

Nov 5, 2012

Natalie T.

I used to be like that, and it was a horrible feeling having to deal with a huge mess all of the time. Now, I have a fairly clean apartment and I cannot stand messes. Now I love cleaning and organizing. I think I hated cleaning before, because the mess was so overwhelming to deal with since it kept accumulating. Now my house is clean (I do a quick clean up everyday) so little messes are easily cleaned up.

Do you ever get in a "cleaning mood" or does that never happen? If you get in the mood to clean, take advantage of that burst of energy to organize everything. It sounds like you're not dirty, but clothes seem to be everywhere. In that case, I would take the time to organize your clothing, so it is much easier to deal with. I use boutique style clothing racks, shoe racks, and a couple of closets for my clothes because folding is a pain in the butt and I have hundreds of clothing items. Find a way to organize your clothes so it is easy to see outfits you like, display the clothes, and making them easy to get to(to take out and put away). If its easy to get to the clothes and put them away and see what your looking for in the first place, will probably make you less messy with the clothes. (I attached a photo of how I organize my shoes)

Perhaps you should keep two hampers or laundry baskets in your room: one for dirty clothes and one for clothes that you just tried on and that are still clean. When you are trying on outfits before you go out, put the things that don't work out in the basket and not on the bed or the floor. That way when you get home, you won't have clothes on your floor, but already sorted clothes in a basket. That will make your room look much cleaner and probably make you feel a lot less stressed out with the mess. Then you can take your time and go through the clean basket and refold them or hang them back up when you have a free minute.

I'm not sure what your counter space looks like, but I would keep that organized too. You should find a cute way to store makeup items or little nicknacks you may have around. I change my countertop/desktop organization up all the time. Right now I have all my makeup in little mason jars and my other makeup products and hair products are in tupperware drawers , so everything is easy to get to and therefor not stressful to put back in their place.

I think finding a system of organization that works for you is the key. I just listed ideas and examples of little tips I use to keep my house and bedroom clean. Once you do the initial big clean (which is going to be annoying, I know), you should have a much easier time maintaining a cleaner environment. Other than the one day a week I set aside to clean my whole apartment, I just set a timer on my phone for 10-15 minutes, and do a sweep of the house and pick up any clothing or items I have left around. It makes my life so much easier, and hopefully something I said can help you. Good luck!

Nov 5, 2012

Carie J.

Afrida- Thanks for the suggestion (:
Natalie- Thank you so much! I do get in cleaning moods but its at the most random times like late at night or early in the morning. I will definitely try the two basket thing. I would've never thought about that (: Everything you said has definitely shed a bright light on my situation c: Again, thank you both (:

Nov 5, 2012

Yesenia P.

I just cleaned my room today because I was so tired of tripping over clothes and shoes just to get to my bed. But I kind of just stored everything away. Next week my project is to actually organize =\

Nov 5, 2012

Carie J.

I plan on spending most of my day tomorrow cleaning and organizing all of my clothes and stuff, as long as my toothache subsides :3 Good luck with your organization project (:

Nov 5, 2012

Natise M.

I know exactly how you feel! After I'm finished getting ready my bathroom is always a mess. Makeup & hair products everywhere!! After many nights of coming home to a huge mess, I've started cleaning as I go. When I'm done with something putting it back where it belongs. You definitely feel much better knowing you're not coming home to a mess :) 

Nov 5, 2012

Mary P.

Being clean & organized means less stressed! just make it a daily responsibility. If you can do that, then you can do anything. Besides, having a messy room is not 'lady like', clothes on the floor pick up germs on the floor. If your going to throw it somewhere, throw it on your bed. 

Nov 5, 2012

Carie J.

Natise- I usually have to rush and end up just leaving it until later which isn't a good thing :P
Mary- I never thought about it not being lady like before.. Thanks for the advice (: